After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 52 Yang Yuanyuan

Chapter 52 Yang Yuanyuan

Oh my god, don't be so unlucky, if she falls into a "dog gnawing shit" here today, then she will not be laughed at in the gallon in the future!

At this moment, there was a sudden force on her waist, and before she could react, she was smashed into a warm wall, and the familiar breath came to her nostrils, like a wake-up call. The magic potion made her wake up suddenly.

Subconsciously raised his head, but unfortunately Qin Zexi lowered his head and was looking at her, frowning slightly, as if a little displeased.

He didn't think she did it on purpose, did he?

Su Zhaoxue was startled, quickly lowered her head, and subconsciously supported the wall next to her to stabilize her body.

"President Qin, I'm sorry that I didn't stand firm." As he said that, he was about to break free from Qin Zexi's arms.

At this time, a sour female voice sounded: "That's right, how do you walk? You don't have such a sharp eye, and you still want to walk beside Mr. Qin. If you bump into Mr. Qin, it depends on how you will be responsible."

Su Zhaoxue turned her head to look over, and it was the woman who pushed her and led her out of the elevator just now who was speaking.

As for the entertainment industry, whether it is big or small, although Su Zhaoxue has never dealt with this woman, she still knows that she is Yang Yuanyuan, a new star in the entertainment industry. After TWO-X acquired Galen a year ago, signed in.

Su Zhaoxue didn't speak, Qin Zexi's hand was still on her waist, his big palm was like a fire, it burned her whole body hot.She wanted to break free, but the broad palm just fell on her waist, and her arms were pressed against her back. The two stood facing each other, and her whole body was imprisoned in his arms.

If he doesn't let go, she won't even have a chance to move.

One of her hands was still on the wall, and she wanted to retract it against him so that she could break free, but she moved her fingers and finally gave up.

Some greedy took a deep breath, in fact, just like this, listening to his heartbeat, feeling his breath, is also quite good.

It's good to do it intentionally or intentionally, after all, there are not many such opportunities.

Just let yourself enjoy this time unrestrainedly!

"What's the situation with you woman? Boss Qin helped you. Why are you still relying on Boss Qin? Hurry up and come out to me. I've seen a lot of women like you. I pretended to fall on purpose, isn't it just to gain attention? "

It's just that Yang Yuanyuan didn't give Su Zhaoxue too much time to enjoy. Originally, she pushed Su Zhaoxue and squeezed into the elevator just now, just to create a chance to be alone with Qin Zexi.

But he didn't want to miss the opportunity, but made a wedding dress for Su Zhaoxue.

Seeing the two of them so close to each other, Yang Yuanyuan's big round eyes were full of sparks of jealousy.

Without even thinking about it, she reached out and pulled Su Zhaoxue, trying to pull her out of Qin Zexi's arms.

It's just that he didn't expect that this pull would actually pull Su Zhaoxue out, but it almost pulled her to the ground again.

Fortunately, Zhong Lian reacted quickly and supported her.

"Thank you." Su Zhaoxue quickly stabilized her body and thanked Zhong Lian.

With lingering fear in Zhong Lian's heart, he quickly smiled: "It's okay, nothing..."

Before he finished speaking, from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Qin Zexi's dark face, and the look in his eyes that almost killed him on the spot.

Zhong Lian was so frightened that his back broke out in cold sweat, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, and quickly let go of Su Zhaoxue's arm.

(End of this chapter)

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