Chapter 53
Quickly explained with a dry smile: "conditioned reflex, conditioned reflex."

Who made his life miserable, standing just behind Su Zhaoxue, he couldn't just watch her fall to the ground.

It's just that boss, you protect your wife too much. He supported Miss Zhaoxue through a layer of clothes. If there is no clothes to separate him, why don't you tear him apart in minutes?
Thinking of this, another layer of cold sweat broke out on Zhong Lian's back. With such a boss who protects food, how will he live in the future!
At this moment, the elevator came again. Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Huang Hongyu quickly pressed the elevator: "Boss Qin, please go first."

Qin Zexi looked away, glanced at Su Zhaoxue, turned around and walked towards the elevator without saying a word.

"I'm going up too."

Before Su Zhaoxue could follow, Yang Yuanyuan got into the elevator.

Qin Zexi's face sank in an instant, and the surrounding atmosphere was like the temperature in winter, goose bumps all over the body of the cold person.

"Yang Yuanyuan, come out for me." Huang Hongyu suppressed the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and stared at her.

Just now Yang Yuanyuan pulled Su Zhaoxue's little action, he could clearly see it from the sidelines. Originally, Qin Zexi was hindered from being here, so he didn't say anything to blame her.

But she didn't want this time, she still didn't give up, and wanted to take the same elevator with Qin Zexi.

Isn't this looking for something for him!
Others don't know, but he knows very well that the woman Qin Zexi likes is Su Zhaoxue.

"I want to go up too. Why do I have to come out? The elevator is so wide, and I'm not one more. Besides, Mr. Qin is not such a stingy person, is he, Mr. Qin?"

Yang Yuanyuan deliberately squeezed her throat to make her voice sound delicate. After she finished speaking, she stood in front of Qin Zexi and looked at him with a smile that she thought was very beautiful.

There is no shortage of beauties in the entertainment industry. It goes without saying that Yang Yuanyuan has become the most popular actress in the past two years.

As the name suggests, he has a palm-sized round face. Because of his young age, he still has some baby fat, round and big eyes, and there are two beautiful dimples at the corners of his mouth when he smiles.

With Yang Yuanyuan like this, no one can refuse her request!

What's more, it's just such a small thing as taking the elevator together now!

However, Qin Zexi ignored her at all, stretched out his hand to press the number of the top floor on the floor button, and then pressed a third floor.

This is Su Zhaoxue who looked up at the outside of the elevator, and frowned impatiently!
Cold voice: "What are you still doing, come in!"

Standing outside, not intending to come in, is he trying to create opportunities for him and other women?
What do you think!

Su Zhaoxue responded, this is when she came back to her senses, and hurriedly stepped into the elevator.

Just entered the elevator, because the door was opened for too long, the elevator has already started to sound the alarm.

Huang Hongyu glanced at Qin Zexi in some embarrassment, and had no choice but to let go of the key to open the door.

The elevator doors closed quickly, and then went up to the top floor.

Su Zhaoxue's entry made Yang Yuanyuan very unhappy, but she was very happy to win the opportunity to show her face in front of Qin Zexi.

Quietly turning her head to glance at Qin Zexi's handsome face, Yang Yuanyuan was already in high spirits.

Tall, handsome and rich!
He is simply the best tall, rich and handsome rare in a thousand years!

(End of this chapter)

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