After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 513 Little Fox

Chapter 513 Little Fox

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi responded indifferently: "You are already inferior to her in terms of having a child. And I would like to remind you that you have self-knowledge. Don't you like plastic surgery? Why don't I make you a gorilla? You want to look like Zhaoxue, but you don't want to see if you are worthy."

Except for the serious injury to his wrist, Yu Guo was fine. The burnt part of his face recovered by himself after a few days.

After Niuniu came back, a stone in Su Zhaoxue's heart fell to the ground, and she could finally rest at home.

Qin Zexi specially hired a nanny for her. During the day, she would cook for her at home, cook soup, wash clothes, and clean up the house. At night, Qin Zexi would leave after returning.

Qin Zexi had a rare rest this day, and the two stayed at home to take care of Niu Niu!
"How is Mr. Gu doing recently? Have you visited the old man in the hospital?"

Yu Guo came here often recently, so he naturally mentioned the Gu family to Su Zhaoxue. Su Zhaoxue knew that Qin Zexi seemed to be attacking Gu Ping recently.

Su Zhaoxue was afraid that if Gu Ping was pushed into a hurry, Gu Ping would be detrimental to Mr. Gu.

Qin Zexi said lightly, "It doesn't matter, I have transferred grandpa to another hospital."

"Transfer? Can Gu Ping agree?" Su Zhaoxue was a little surprised.

Qin Zexi lowered his head to tease Niuniu, and suddenly laughed: "She can't take care of herself now, Gu's might really be in crisis."

"did you do it?"

Su Zhaoxue thought it was Gu Ping who was dealt with by Qin Zexi!
Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi shook his head: "I only contributed a small part of my efforts, and I don't know who Gu Ping offended. Recently, a multinational company called "Little Fox" directly robbed more than half of Gu's business. past."

"Little fox?" Su Zhaoxue froze for a moment.

"That's right, the person in charge of their company seems to be a very young woman named... um... Hu Xianya!"

Su Zhaoxue:
Xiao Xuan'er came back this time, why does it feel like she is here for a big event?

Isn't the name of the company Little Fox too hasty?

After Wang Xuan'er left, Han Jianfeng quit his job in the hospital and came back to take over the Han family's company.

But he also has a condition to take over the company, not to marry Ou Ruting!
Han Dong wholeheartedly hoped that Han Jianfeng would come back to help him. Although he was reluctant, he agreed to his condition.

Han Jianfeng was no longer in the hospital, so Ou Ruting naturally resigned.

It's just that after this, the chances of the two meeting each other are much less, sometimes Ou Ruting has no choice but to come to the house to block Han Jianfeng.

Han Jianfeng's parents originally hoped that Ou Ruting could be their daughter-in-law, so they naturally turned a blind eye.

The company recently took over a big project, and Han Dong was so happy that he was smiling all day long, and he was even more pleasant to Han Jianfeng.

On the day of signing the contract, Han Dong deliberately brought Han Jianfeng with him. He heard that the person in charge of the other party was a young woman, still unmarried!

The most important thing is that she is unmarried, and there is such a big multinational group!
Well, marrying the youngest daughter-in-law is much more cost-effective than marrying Ou Ruting!

Isn't their Han family going to stand up?

The place to sign the contract is set in the most luxurious five-star hotel in the capital, the place requires it!
They came a little early, and the other party hadn't arrived when they came!
Han Jianfeng didn't want to come, if it wasn't because of Han Dong's strong request, he even threatened him with the child!

(End of this chapter)

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