After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 514 Revenge

Chapter 514 Revenge
What did you say? If he doesn't go, immediately take the child away!

Han Jianfeng is a big man, so he doesn't know how to take care of children. He usually puts them at home and is taken care of by Han Jianfeng's mother and nanny!

The child's first name is Han Zhiyi, and his nickname is Zai Zai just like Wang Xuan'er was called before!

Zai Zai is really well-behaved. He never cries or makes noise. It is almost four months now, and he seems to be developing faster than ordinary children. The little guy can already sit up.

And most of the time, he stayed quietly by himself, except when he was hungry or thirsty, he would show some signs, but he never cried or made troubles. It didn't feel like a A four-month-old child looks like a four-year-old child.

Zai Zai is the only weakness in Han Jianfeng's heart. Since Wang Xuan'er left, he has no other thoughts. He just hopes that Zai Zai can grow up healthily, so that he can't let down Wang Xuan'er's heart in entrusting the child to him.

Han Jianfeng had no choice but to finally agree.

The set time was six o'clock in the evening. After waiting for Han Dong and Han Jianfeng for almost an hour, the other party still didn't show up.

Han Dong made a phone call halfway, but the other party's assistant told him that their president was too busy and was already on his way.

Just like that until 07:30, Han Jianfeng couldn't wait any longer, and got up directly: "I'm leaving."

He wants to go home with Zai Zai!
"Hey, I'm waiting for a while." Han Dong seemed to want him to sit down and wait.

"I don't want to waste time."

As Han Jianfeng said that, he walked towards the door, but just took two steps, the door was suddenly pushed open!
A man opened the door in front, made a gesture of invitation, and then saw a woman in a long red dress, stepping on high heels, appearing in front of him.

She wore a red one-neck dress, her long straight hair was half tied behind her head, and she wore a pair of pearl earrings on her ears.

The corners of the long eyes are slightly raised, and the lipstick that matches the color of the clothes is painted on the lips. When she smiles, the red lips are gorgeous and soul-stirring!
Han Jianfeng was stunned for a moment, watching the woman get closer and closer, and finally passed him.

Han Dong didn't seem to expect that the other party would be such a young and beautiful woman. He stood up and rubbed his hands, but he didn't realize it for a long time.

Until the assistant next to the woman said: "Mr. Han, this is the president of our group, Ms. Hu Xianya."

Han Dong just woke up like a dream, and hastily stretched out his hand: "Mr. Hu, it's the first time we meet. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Hu Xianya glanced at the hand that Hu Dong stretched out, put the bag in his hand on the table, and then sat down: "President Han, this is the first time you see me, but it's not the first time I see you Well, let’s just shake hands, after all, I’m more vengeful, and I don’t like getting too close to people I don’t like.”

Han Dong's hand was stuck in the air, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to hide in a hole in the ground.

I just tried my best to think back, and felt that I had never seen Hu Qianya anywhere!
Smiling, he quickly rescued himself and said, "Boss Hu really knows how to joke."

"Hmph, I don't have time to joke with you."

Hu Xianya snorted softly, and suddenly pointed behind her: "What is that person doing, waiter? We are here to sign the contract, which is a company secret. Why do you want a waiter standing here?"

 Hu Xianya is Wang Xuan'er, they are the same person!

(End of this chapter)

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