Chapter 516

This is the first time Zai Zai laughs!

Han Jianfeng looked at Hu Xianya miraculously, and his eyes softened even more!
It's her, really she's back!

Ou Ruting originally thought that Han Jianfeng would be back around this time, so she purposely planned to come over and wait for him under the guise of looking after the child.

The relationship between Han and Europe has always been very good, and she and Han Jianfeng have known each other for more than ten years. The two went to school together, went abroad, and came back to work together. I thought it would be a matter of course, and I would definitely get engaged and married in the end, but I didn't think about it for a few months. A few days ago, on the eve when the two families were discussing about getting engaged, Han Jianfeng brought back a child from nowhere, claiming that it was his, and her attitude plummeted, and he even quit his job in the hospital just to avoid marrying her. !

At that time, Ou Ruting didn't know what it felt like, she obviously didn't do anything, but she was going to meet such a thing.

The point is, she has been by Han Jianfeng's side for so many years, he went to study medicine, and she went there just to guard him, but she didn't want to guard him every day, but she still didn't guard him.

Zai Zai dislikes Ou Ruting very much, just like Ou Ruting dislikes him very much.

It's just that Han Jianfeng cared about him very much, and Ou Ruting had to pretend to like him very much.

When I came here in the evening, Han Jianfeng's mother, Lorna, took care of him at home because the babysitter took leave of absence today. She accidentally wet her clothes when she was making formula for the baby just now. I left her and asked her to take care of her, while Rona went upstairs to change clothes.

When Ou Ruting looked at Zai Zai, she would remember that he was a child born by Han Jianfeng and another woman. She felt as if her husband had cheated, and she was in an extremely bad mood.

So I squeezed Zai Zai's arm hard!

Ou Ruting had done this before, every time she pinched him fiercely as if venting her anger, she didn't dare to pinch him more, she only pinched him once or twice.

This little guy, Zai Zai, doesn't seem to know pain, and never cries. Ou Ruting was afraid that he would cry when he was on the phone for the first time.

Who knows, this time when he pinched him, he burst into tears.

And the timing was very coincidental, it happened to be when Han Jianfeng came back!
The woman who suddenly appeared in front of her surprised her, she stood up subconsciously, looked at Han Jianfeng, her heart was extremely flustered, but she had to pretend to be calm on the surface: "Aunt Luo went to change clothes, I just came over and helped hug him Hug, Zai Zai used to like me very much, but this time, for some reason, I cry when I hug him."

"What nonsense are you talking about, you are the one I hate the most."

However, as soon as the words fell, Hu Xianya snapped her back.

Ou Ruting took a look at Hu Xianya, looked at her calmly, and suddenly smiled, covering the unkindness in her eyes: "Miss, isn't it normal for a child to cry, not to mention it's not the first time I've hugged him , He is my own son. I have never done anything like breastfeeding and changing diapers. It is annoying for a child to cry? Miss, you have never taken care of a child, right? "

Ou Ruting spoke just like that. On the surface, what she said seemed to be normal and pleasant, but in fact, she was telling Hu Xianya in the dark that she had an unusual relationship with the Han family, and she would definitely be the mother of Zai Zai in the future. of!

(End of this chapter)

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