Chapter 517

Hu Xianya naturally understood her words, chuckled lightly, ignored her, and lowered her head to tease Zai Zai!
I haven't seen her little brat in months, and all I can think about is going crazy!
Ou Ruting thought that what she said would make Hu Xianya upset. A woman who suddenly appeared at Han's house one night and hugged Zai Zai as soon as she came, Ou Ruting couldn't guess other identities, she could only guess that the woman probably belonged to Zai Zai Mother.

Originally, I wanted to show her off, but I didn't want this woman to know whether she really didn't understand, or she was just pretending, so she laughed and didn't say anything.

This made Ou Ruting suddenly very upset!

Luo Na heard the noise and went downstairs, saw Han Dong and Han Jianfeng coming back suddenly, and brought a woman with them, she was taken aback for a moment, then asked: "Didn't you go to sign the contract, come back so soon? "

Han Dong hurriedly responded, and winked at Lorna while talking: "Mr. Hu wanted to see Jianfeng's child, so he came back. We haven't had dinner yet, so let the servants prepare it." .”

Luo Na glanced at Hu Xianya knowingly, then turned around and walked towards the back kitchen.

"Mr. Hu, don't stand there, please sit down." Han Dong looked at Hu Qianya as if he liked children very much, his smiling eyes narrowed into a line.

While speaking, he also gestured to Han Jianfeng, meaning to let him take the initiative.

Han Jianfeng pursed his lips, stepped forward and put his arms around Hu Xianya's arm, and said softly, "Sit and watch the child, it's easier this way."

Hu Xianya was busy teasing Zai Zai, she was in a good mood, she didn't pay attention to the intimate gesture of the two, and unintentionally, she raised her head and smiled at Han Jianfeng, followed him obediently and sat down On the side sofa.

The intimacy of the two really makes people daydream every minute, and it feels like they are really a family of three.

Ou Ruting was so jealous that her teeth were almost crushed by herself!
Han Jianfeng has never treated her like this. They have known each other for more than ten years. When did Han Jianfeng treat her so tenderly?

I used to think that he was such a cold and quiet person, that's why she didn't care!

Now it seems that she is really too careless. If a man is interested in a woman, how can he be indifferent?

But this woman is not Ou Ruting!


This is absolutely not allowed!

Squeezing her palms tightly, Ou Ruting quickly suppressed the displeasure in her heart, and asked with a smile: "Jianfeng, if you don't introduce yourself, I don't know why I'm standing here awkwardly." How should I greet this beautiful woman?"

Ou Ruting's tone of voice was soft and coquettish, and others thought she had a special relationship with Han Jianfeng.

Han Jianfeng seemed to pause when he heard Ou Ruting's words, and looked at Hu Xianya, but he didn't speak for a while!
Said to be the child's mother!
Now everyone doesn't remember her, it seems a little abrupt and strange!
Said it was his wife!
It seems that it will only get weirder!
But in Han Jianfeng's heart, she is his wife, the mother of his child, and the woman he loves the most!

Besides, he didn't want to give her any more identity!

That's why it took a while, as if he hesitated!
Seeing Han Jianfeng hesitate, Hu Xianya raised the corner of her mouth, suddenly sneered, then raised her head to look at Ou Ruting.

(End of this chapter)

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