After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 526 An awkward relationship

Chapter 526 An awkward relationship

Hu Xianya was a little flustered. He pinched her hand like this, and she couldn't scoop up the milk powder, but she struggled to break free.

But Han Jianfeng pinched her, but he was not ready to let go at all.

Instead, he pinched it as if nothing had happened, and scooped up the milk powder in the milk powder jar!

Hu Qianya's heart was pounding, she didn't hear a word of what he said.

I can only feel the heat of his palm, like a scorching sun, so hot that it wants to melt her heart!
"Okay, so you can cover the bottle and give it to Zai Zai after shaking it twice. The little guy must be very hungry."

Han Jianfeng's low and soft voice suddenly rang in his ears, and Hu Qianya suddenly seemed to come back to his senses.

Looking at the hands that were still held together by the two, with a sudden struggle, it was pulled out of his palm.

Not daring to look at Han Jianfeng, he just lowered his head to cover the bottle cap, shook it twice, put it into the little boy's mouth, then turned around directly while holding him: "This time he should be able to I slept until morning, and I went into the house."

Hu Xianya really didn't know how to face Han Jianfeng at this time, she should be indifferent to him, but after only one night, she felt as if she had failed!
No, she has to think of something!

This time, the little boy really slept until dawn. In the morning, Hu Xianya was awakened by the smell of porridge.

Turning his head, he saw that the little boy had already woken up, lying beside her without crying or fussing, playing with himself.

Seeing the cute appearance of the little boy, Hu Xianya felt sweet, and couldn't help laughing, then leaned over and kissed his little cheek: "Wow, mommy's little boy is really cute , Wake up and know how to play by yourself."

The little boy giggled when she kissed him, the laughter seemed to be contagious, and Hu Xianya also kept laughing.

After the two played for a while, Hu Xianya went out of the room with the cub in her arms.

As soon as she came out, the smell that filled the room became stronger. Hu Xianya carried the cub to the door of the kitchen strangely, only to find that Han Jianfeng, who was wearing a shirt, was frying eggs with his sleeves rolled up.

Hu Xianya:
When will Han Jianfeng cook again?

Han Jianfeng turned around and saw her just in time, and smiled at her. In his beautiful eyes, the gleaming smile was as warm as water: "Hungry, I'll be ready soon, you go out and wait, here The smell of oily smoke is heavy."

She was really not used to such a caring and gentle Han Jianfeng, Hu Xianya was stunned for a second before she responded: "Oh."

Then turned around and walked to the living room!
Han Jianfeng did come out soon, and put the cooked breakfast on the dining table by the way, the one who had washed his hands came over and hugged the boy: "You go wash up first, and then go eat breakfast after washing."

Hu Xianya didn't shirk, she went into the room to change her clothes, and went to wash up again, before she came out to pick up the cub.

Unexpectedly, Han Jianfeng was hugging the little guy to drink milk, while Hu Xianya was standing aside, planning to wait for the little guy to finish drinking!

"Hurry up and have breakfast, it'll be cold later!" Han Jianfeng looked at her, reminding her gently.

Hu Xianya paused: "I'm not very hungry."

Han Jianfeng glanced at her, didn't continue to speak, waited for the little boy to drink the milk, and when Hu Xianya was about to come over and hug her, Han Jianfeng suddenly grabbed her wrist!
(End of this chapter)

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