After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 527 1 Niu Niu Who Doesn't Cry When Seeing Cubs

Chapter 527 Niu Niu Who Doesn't Cry Whenever She Sees Cubs
Hu Xianya was startled, she raised her eyes and met Han Jianfeng's eyes!

I was stunned for a moment, my heart was in a mess like something, but my face was indifferent: "What are you doing? Don't move around, just pull your wrist, hand, okay? Do I know you very well? Everyone is Civilized people, can’t you speak well if you have something to say?”

Hu Xianya complained about it, she only stayed here for one night, and Han Jianfeng either pinched his hands or "wall-dong", and then pulled his wrist no less than three or four times!
The key is that every time she flustered like a little bee running around, her heartbeat accelerated for a long time and could not calm down.

If it goes on like this, it's worth it!

Han Jianfeng paused for a moment, and looked at Hu Xianya as if aggrieved: "I just want you to eat breakfast first, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Looking at Han Jianfeng's resentful little eyes looking at himself
Hu Xianya:
This look is so fucking familiar, wasn't it like this before!

But the little eyes that look so exciting, why was the man in front of him still indifferent in the past?
Think about how humble I used to be!

Hu Xianya suddenly sneered, and pulled her wrist out of Han Jianfeng's hand forcefully: "Who wants breakfast? I told you I'm not hungry anymore. Han Jianfeng, I just want to ask you, what do you want?" What are you doing?"

"I promised to let you come because of the brat. You'd better figure it out, and don't try to play tricks on me."

"I'm also for Zai Zai." Han Jianfeng hugged Xiao Zai Zai, and suddenly said seriously.

For Zai Zai to have a complete home!
But Han Jianfeng didn't say this, but when Hu Xianya heard the words, it seemed that she meant to be affectionate.

Han Jianfeng was only doing it for the sake of the brat, and he didn't have any wrong thoughts about her at all!
Although this answer was what she wanted, but after hearing it, she felt that it was not the case, and she was a little bored and flustered.

With a soft snort, Hu Xianya turned around and walked outside: "It's best to look like this."

He only walked halfway, but suddenly came back and took the little boy from Han Jianfeng's hand.

Glancing at Han Jianfeng, he didn't know what he was doing wrong, so he said, "I'll go and see Miss Sister, I'll take good care of the brat."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

A casual sentence, polite and alienated.

Hu Xianya didn't let out the breath in her heart, but now she heard Han Jianfeng's words, and she felt even more upset.

what the hell!

Fake politeness!
"After all, I'm also the little boy's mother. I'm happy to take him with me, hmph."

Although Hu Xianya gritted her teeth and said these words, but the words were full of emotions, so the last snort gave people a kind of coquettish meaning.

Sitting on the sofa, Han Jianfeng looked at the back of someone carrying Cub away angrily, but couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth!

Well, his woman is still his woman, nothing has changed!

Most importantly, he loves it!

When Hu Qianya went to find Su Zhaoxue, Su Zhaoxue was hugging Niuniu and coaxing her.

This little doll is really too noisy, Su Zhaoxue's whole body is about to collapse.

Hu Qianya hugged the little boy, and went forward to tease Niuniu: "Yeah, Niuniu, look at my brother, my brother is here to play with you, Niuniu, be good, don't cry."

(End of this chapter)

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