After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 542 Hu Qianqian

Chapter 542 Hu Qianqian

Su Zhaoxue's heart was sweet like honey, and she let him hold her hand, and turned her head to ask him: "Then how do you want to deal with Gu Ping? She took half of Gu's shares to go out, but luckily the other party was Xian Ya Well, if it was someone else, the company would really be ruined in her hands. If Mr. Gu woke up and saw such a scene, how uncomfortable and sad he would still be!"

Su Zhaoxue actually did not expect that Gu Ping would use this method!

I just think that since she worked so hard to get the Gu family, let's rule out that she is doing it for profit. Su Zhaoxue has always believed that Gu Ping also has feelings for the Gu family. His surname is Gu, and he has been in the Gu family for so many years.

It was hard for Su Zhaoxue to imagine what she was thinking when she said she would exchange half of Gu's shares.

Just like this, give the old man's hard work, the "Jiangshan" that the Gu family's ancestors have worked hard for generations to others?
Was she not sad or sad at all?

"Gu Ping, I already have a way to deal with her. If she wants to dance, let her dance for two days."

Probably because facing Su Zhaoxue, Qin Zexi deliberately softened his voice, even the coldness on his face was cleaned up, but a coldness appeared in his eyes inadvertently.

"Are you sure?" Su Zhaoxue looked at him with a smile, trying not to put any pressure on him.

Qin Zexi squeezed her hand: "Your husband, I never do things that I'm not sure about."

Gu Ping drew up the contract the next day, and then sent an electronic file to Hu Xianya.

Hu Xianya passed it on to Su Zhaoxue!
Of course, Su Zhaoxue transferred it to Qin Zexi without any hassle!

Han Jianfeng called the nanny who was taking care of the baby to Hu Qianya's home. During the day when he and Hu Xianya were at work, the nanny would take care of the baby at home.

Hu Xianya originally wanted the nanny to follow her, and then took Zai Zai to the company, but she was so reluctant to part with Zai Zai, she wished that Zai Zai would follow her all day long.

It's just that the company was originally a noisy environment. Although Zai Zai is very good, he is a child after all.

So I hesitated for a while, and finally had to go to the company alone!

It's just like not seeing each other every day!

Hu Xianya went to the company for only one morning, but she just wanted to be, to be, to be, to be!
I really want to stay at home every day!
In this way, you can see the cubs every day!

Nothing to do in the afternoon, Hu Xianya is ready to go back!

How would you know, as soon as I walked under the office building, I ran into a person!

"Hi, dear Princess Ya!"

The visitor saw her from a long distance away, and stretched out his arms to give her a big hug!

Hu Xianya looked at the man, with a fancy shirt, flowery shorts, and a pair of flip flops, with a big back comb, looking like a rascal, if it wasn't for that handsome face, Hu Xianya really wanted to be I don't know him, and then the security guards kicked him out!
"Ah Choo..."

Being embraced by that man, she smelled a scent of perfume as soon as she got close to her. It was a mixture of several kinds of girls' perfumes. Hu Xianya sneezed with an uncomfortable nose!
"Oh my god, which woman's den did you just come out of? There are no less than five kinds of perfume on your body."

Hu Qianya quickly pushed him away in disgust!

Hu Yanqian immediately felt aggrieved: "You still say, it's not for you."

(End of this chapter)

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