After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 543 Meeting Han Jianfeng

Chapter 543 Meeting Han Jianfeng

Hu Xianya couldn't help but roll her eyes: "What do you mean it's all for me? What does the perfume on your body have to do with me?"

"Banquet, doesn't the company need to socialize? If you don't want to go, I'm the only one to go."

Hu Yanqian touched his hair while talking: "However, I can only blame me for being too handsome. There is no way to attract women."

Hu Xianya made a puking look: "Narcissist, nothing has changed in all these years."

"Princess Ya, I am very sad that you are like this!" Hu Yanqian clutched his chest as if his heart was about to break.

Hu Xianya didn't bother to talk to him, so she said, "Come to see me suddenly, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, I just want to have dinner with you."

"No time to."

Hu Xianya is anxious to go home to see Zai Zai!

After finishing speaking, he went outside!
"Hey, Princess Ya, you haven't even invited me to dinner to celebrate after becoming a human being. It's very boring for you to be like this."

Hu Yanqian quickly followed her and ran over, blocking her way.

"I came here just to let you treat me to dinner, why are you so stingy!"

Hu Xianya:
The two finally went to dinner together, and the restaurant was reserved by Hu Yanqian.

Western restaurant!
The two of them didn't bother to choose any private room, they went in and found a nice place to sit down!

Hu Yanqian was in a mess and didn't know what he ordered, anyway, he said a lot!

"Are you done eating?" Hu Qianya took a sip of water, and suddenly her eyes caught sight of a figure who had just entered the door!
No, two figures!

Hu Xianya raised the corner of her mouth and couldn't help but sneered, then put down the water glass!
Hu Yanqian looked up at her, and naturally noticed her gloomy expression, and smiled unconsciously: "Isn't there still you here?"

"I'm not hungry. It was you who asked me to treat you to dinner. Get the hell out of here after dinner." Hu Xianya was clearly emotional when she spoke.

"Or, let's go to the private room."

The two figures walked over, the woman seemed to be asking the man, and happened to be standing not far from where they were sitting.

The lights in the western restaurant were not too bright, so the two of them didn't pay much attention to Hu Xianya sitting on Ya!

Hu Yanqian picked up the spoon that had been placed on the table, and took a look. There were two blurred figures printed on the spoon, but that was enough. He raised the corners of his mouth, and suddenly said, "Xiao Yaya, look You are so thin, I feel distressed, I ordered a lot of things you like to eat, eat more later."

Hu Xianya gave Hu Yanqian a hard look: "Shut up your stinking mouth, will you die if you don't speak?"

I don't know if I was afraid that those two people would notice, so I turned the volume down very low!
But obviously, it was noticed!
Soon Han Jianfeng came over, as if surprised: "Why are you here?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Hu Yanqian who was opposite Hu Xianya, his expression was not very friendly.

Hu Yanqian didn't care anymore, he just leaned on the sofa and blinked at Hu Xianya leisurely.

Hu Xianya rolled his eyes at him, and then said coldly to Han Jianfeng: "Why can't I be here? Is this place opened by your family? I'm not allowed to enter?"

Hu Xianya's words were full of thorns, obviously aimed at her.

"No, you know I don't mean it!" Han Jianfeng paused, his tone softened a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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