After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 555 Lorna is Hospitalized

Chapter 555 Lorna is Hospitalized

Lorna was in so much pain that she didn't even have the strength to speak, she just leaned into Han Jianfeng's arms and nodded!

Han Jianfeng picked up Lorna, stood up, gave Hu Xianya a complicated look, turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Hu Xianya hugged Zai Zai, looked at his back, opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Lorna's nose was broken and she bled a lot, so she had to be hospitalized!

After finishing the hospitalization, Han Jianfeng went home to get daily necessities for Luo Na, and Ou Ruting took care of her in the hospital.

Seeing Lorna's pale face, Ou Ruting couldn't help feeling a little proud.

In this way, the relationship between Hu Xianya and Lorna has been settled, and most importantly, Han Jianfeng's attitude towards Hu Xianya may also change.

Even if Hu Qianya is Zai Zai's mother, if she wants to marry Han Jianfeng in the future, it may not be that simple.

But on the surface, she still pretended to be very distressed and guilty: "Auntie, is it very painful? It's all my fault. If I hadn't taken you there, you wouldn't have been hurt."

Luo Na didn't know what was going on in Ou Ruting's mind, she just looked at Ou Ruting's guilty face, took her hand and comforted her: "Ru Ting, Auntie knows that you are a good boy and that you love Auntie, this I can't blame you. I can only blame Auntie for missing Zaizai too much, and I shouldn't have been so excited just now, just take a look and return the child, and this kind of thing won't happen."

"Anyway, that woman is Zai Zai's mother, and it is reasonable for her to protect Zai Zai. I am also a mother, and I can understand her mood."

Ou Ruting didn't expect that Luo Na would still speak for Hu Qianya, her heart was distorted and deformed due to jealousy, and she forced a smile: "Auntie, you are so kind, that woman pushed you to the ground so cruelly , and even pushed it twice, you don’t blame her, but you still speak for her.”

Lorna smiled: "I'm not helping her, but now that I think about it, I did do something wrong just now. It's just that I miss Zai Zai too much, so I look like an old woman with no education!"

"Isn't Auntie going to have a cub?" A trace of impatience flashed in Ou Ruting's eyes, and she didn't want to listen to Lorna's words at all.

The smile on Lorna's face suddenly stopped, as if she was tangled and hesitant.

Ou Ruting knew that Luo Na cared most about whether Zai Zai could return to the Han family.

"Auntie, don't blame me. To be honest, I don't think Hu Qianya can take good care of Zai Zai. You see, she is young and has a little boyfriend by her side. Even if she wants Zai Zai now, It's hard to guarantee that she won't get bored in the future."

"Zai Zai is only four months old now, and he only eats and sleeps, and eats and sleeps. He is still behind when he is really tired from taking care of the children."

"And she will still get married. If she marries someone else and gives birth to someone else's child, can she continue to like Zai Zai?"

"I'm just afraid that Zai Zai will be wronged after following her, so I still think it's best for Zai Zai to follow you and Uncle Han."

Ou Ruting recounted it emphatically, and looked at Luo Na's expression while talking.

Seeing Lorna's frown deepening, Ou Ruting's heart became more and more happy.

She just wanted Lorna to get Zai Zai back. This would not only increase the conflict between Hu Xianya and Han Jianfeng, but also reduce their chances of meeting each other!

(End of this chapter)

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