After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 556 Ou Ruting Asks Lorna for Help

Chapter 556 Ou Ruting Asks Lorna for Help

Lorna hesitated for a moment, as if thinking of something, "Ru Ting, I have an idea."

Ou Ruting was overjoyed, and thought that Lorna was thinking about how to bring back Zai Zai, so she said with joy, "Auntie, what do you think?"

"Isn't Hu Qianya Zai Zai's mother? Why don't you marry her to Jian Feng? What do you think?"

Ou Ruting's face froze, and the smile on her face didn't have time to take back: "Auntie, do you want Hu Qianya and Jianfeng to marry and be your daughter-in-law?"

No matter what Ou Ruting thought, she never thought that Luo Na would have such an idea!

"Although that Hu Xianya is Zai Zai's mother, she has a boyfriend, and I don't know if she is really Zai Zai's mother. Maybe she is just a random child to fool Jianfeng and yours. .”

"Flicker?" Lorna looked at Ou Ruting suspiciously: "Improbable, I think that Hu Xianya cares a lot about Zai Zai."

"Maybe it's her trick, Auntie, I think this matter needs to be carefully considered."

Ou Ruting felt very uncomfortable in her heart, she just wanted to yell loudly at Lorna!
Knowing that she likes Han Jianfeng, but still in front of her, discussing to match other women with Han Jianfeng!
I really don't know if it's stupid or lack of understanding, but Lorna's knife was given, and the wound was on the inside, and she had to pretend to be magnanimous and nonchalant!
However, Ou Ruting has never been a soft persimmon who can be manipulated by others. Although she seems to be pretending to be generous on the surface, and her words are appropriate and can't be wrong, when she speaks, she deliberately makes a look that seems to be wronged but still The look of desperately enduring it.

Luo Na could tell at a glance that she realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, and said quickly: "Ru Ting, Auntie has no other intentions, just casually speaking, don't take it to heart. .”

"It's okay, auntie." Ou Ruting immediately smiled softly, but bit her lip, but hesitated to speak.

Luo Na naturally saw it, and took her hand: "Ru Ting, if you have anything to say, just say it, do you have anything to say to Auntie?"

Ou Ruting's face seemed to turn red suddenly, she raised her eyes to look at Lorna, then quickly lowered her eyes, lowering her head unconsciously: "Auntie, you know, I have liked Jianfeng for so many years, I have always wanted to be the daughter-in-law of your family. I also like Zai Zai very much, and I can guarantee that I will treat him well in the future. If you don’t believe me, I can not have children in the future, and I will take Zai Zai as my own. keep it."

It's no secret that Ou Ruting likes Han Jianfeng. Although Ou Ruting hasn't publicly expressed her feelings before, Luo Na has always known it in her heart.

It's just that Han Jianfeng's attitude towards Ou Ruting has always been very cold. Although Han Dong had always wanted to match her and Han Jianfeng, but because of Han Jianfeng's attitude, Lorna was also uncertain, but he had no superficial attitude!

But it's true that she likes Ou Ruting!

Hearing Ou Ruting's words suddenly today, Luo Na was stunned for a moment!
"Auntie, do you think I'm not good enough for Jianfeng?"

Ou Ruting saw that she had finished speaking, and Luo Na just looked at her, feeling a little anxious!

(End of this chapter)

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