After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 557 There is one best way

Chapter 557 There is a best way
When Ou Ruting was talking, she looked into Luo Na's eyes, blinking like she was about to cry.

Where did Luo Na suffer from such an attack, she hurriedly said: "No, no, Auntie just thinks that you have been wronged too much."

Ou Ruting quickly shook her head: "I'm not wronged, as long as I can be with Jianfeng, I'm willing to do anything. Besides, Zai Zai is also very cute. It is also my blessing to have such a son."

"But Jianfeng..."

Just thinking of Han Jianfeng's attitude, Lorna felt a little embarrassed!

If Han Jianfeng wanted to marry Ou Ruting, he would have married a long time ago, and it would not have developed to the present with so many things happening.

But Ou Ruting seemed to be very sure: "Auntie, I have a solution, but you have to help me."

Ever since Ou Ruting brought Lorna to make a fuss, Hu Qianya and Zai Zai moved overnight. When Han Han Jianfeng came to find her the next day, the furniture was still in the house, but there were no daily necessities. up!
Hu Xianya's phone call was still never answered!
It seems that he should be dragged into the blacklist!
Hu Xianya didn't go anywhere, but took Zai Zai to live in Hu Yanqian's house.

But Hu Yanqian was full of depression, but he didn't dare to speak up!

He doesn't want to bring a baby, he doesn't want to stay at home, he just wants to go out to have fun, he just wants to drink, he just wants to pick up girls!
"Xiao Yaya, you see, I am so small here, I am so wronged, why don't I find a bigger place for you and Zai Zai." Hu Yanqian expressed his thoughts tactfully, and handed over the freshly prepared milk powder.

Even if you don't want to, you still have to do it!

Hu Qianya took the bottle without even looking at him: "It's very good here, and don't even think about moving out by yourself and take care of the cub, or I'll immediately cut off all the sources of income you know."

Without money, let's see how you drink and how you pick up girls!

As soon as Hu Yanqian heard that he was going to be a source of income, Hu Qianqian immediately showed a flattering smile: "Don't be like this, Xiao Yaya, can't I take good care of the cubs?"

"Well, that's about the same." Hu Xianya raised the corners of her mouth in satisfaction.

Seeing that Hu Xianya seemed to be in a good mood at this time, Hu Yanqian turned his glasses around, and then continued: "But Xiao Yaya, I still want to remind you that it is not a matter of wanting to live here. It's a simple thing. I know you're here for the brat, but the brat's surname is Han now, which means he's from the Han family. If the aunt just insisted on wanting the brat, she can sue you , and the chances of winning are great. We are all ordinary people now, and there is no way to change it with spiritual power."

What Hu Yanqian said made Hu Qianya seem to suddenly realize something was wrong. After a long silence, she raised her head and looked at Hu Jianqian: "You mean, if Han Jianfeng's mother insists on taking the child away, Go back, she can still take it back, and I don't even have a reason to resist?"

Hu Yanqian nodded: "You can say that."

"There is no way, it can be solved."

Hu Qianya frowned, if the little boy couldn't be by her side, then why did she come all this way?
"Yes, there is a best solution." Hu Yanqian spoke quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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