Chapter 558
Looking at Hu Yanqian's shining eyes, Hu Qianya frowned feeling something was wrong: "What can I do?"

"Marry Han Jianfeng."

Hu Xianya:
You know, this guy doesn't have any good ideas!

Hu Yanqian hadn't noticed Hu Xianya's displeasure yet, and continued to talk with relish: "Look, Xiao Yaya, Han Jianfeng is Zai Zai's biological father, and you are Zai Zai's biological mother. It's a shame that you two are married. Is it a match made in heaven, a happy family reunion, harmony and beauty, is simply the happiest thing, and you don't have to worry about the cub being snatched away, right?"

A match made in heaven?

Big circle?

Hu Xianya's face became darker and darker as she listened, and finally she couldn't help it anymore. Just when the little boy had finished drinking the milk, Hu Xianya took the bottle and knocked on Hu Jianqian's head: "I And your uncle, me, if you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will kick you back to the fox clan, so that you will never come out to find your crush goddess."

"Xiao Yaya, there is no such thing as you. I kindly gave you advice, but you want to harm me." Hu Yanqian expressed his grievance.

Probably because she was really afraid that Hu Xianya would kick him back to the fox family, so she was very careful when she spoke.

Hu Xianya couldn't help but sneered: "Are you trying to help me? You want to let me go quickly. Go drink and pick up girls."

Hu Yanqian was guessed, so he had to smile quickly: "Oh, no, I really want to do it for you. I don't believe that you liked Han Jianfeng so much at the beginning, and now you tell him that if you don't feel it, you won't feel it."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to please Zai Zai, and took the initiative to take Zai Zai over: "I'm not taking care of Zai Zai, why do I take it so seriously."

Hu Xianya did not refuse, and let Hu Yanqian take Zai Zai with a cold face, and then stood up: "I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go wash the baby bottle."

Obviously avoiding the topic!
Hu Yanqian saw through and didn't expose it, hugged Zaizai to smooth his breasts, looked at Hu Xianya's back, but shook his head helplessly!
Some things, even if others can see clearly, there is no way to solve them by the person involved!
After all, things really existed!
Hu Xianya said she was going to wash the baby bottle, but in fact she washed it absent-mindedly. After all, it was really for the sake of the baby, but the little hope in her heart could not deceive herself!

She purposely asked the Han family to cooperate, and allowed Han Jianfeng to live in her home. Is it really just because of the brat?

Then why did she feel so uncomfortable when she saw Han Jianfeng and Ou Ruting together!
Why was it that when Han Jianfeng hugged Lorna and Ou Ruting out of her sight yesterday, she was heartbroken, even scared, she was afraid that Han Jianfeng would really think that Lorna was pushed down by her.

She still cares about what Han Jianfeng thinks of her!

The move was said to prevent the little brat from being disturbed, but in fact it was just to avoid her own feelings!

She knew very well in her heart, even better than anyone else, what kind of feelings she had for Han Jianfeng!
But she dared not admit it, or even face it!

She didn't have the courage to do it again, she was afraid that she would be hurt all over again!
She has no confidence in herself, nor in Han Jianfeng!

So she chose to escape!

Time may be the best thing, she believes that one day she will be relieved!
(End of this chapter)

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