After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 559 Mr. Gu Woke Up

Chapter 559 Mr. Gu Woke Up

Qin Zexi finally launched a formal counterattack against Gu Ping!

The recording of the shipwreck incident, the contract for buying and selling company shares, the evidence of giving the old man a booster drug, and the evidence of misappropriating company funds
These criminal evidences were presented one by one, and then Qin Zexi put them on the intranet of Gu's website!
Gu’s employees need to log in every day when they go to work, so it is easy to see.

These evidences caught Gu Ping by surprise!
Even asked to give way by the entire staff!
Gu Ping tried to suppress the turmoil by killing chickens to make an example to monkeys, but at the meeting to fire employees, Qin Zexi pushed Mr. Gu to appear.

Gu Ping looked at Mr. Gu sitting in the wheelchair in disbelief, and was so surprised that she didn't recover for a while!
Fortunately, Song still reacted quickly. He ran forward and imagined the same as before, hugging Mr. Gu and acting coquettishly: "Grandpa..."

She thought that as long as he acted like a baby, Mr. Gu would continue to treat her with a smile as before.

But he didn't want to, so Mr. Gu pushed her away, although he was smiling, but that smile was very strange to her: "This little girl, there is no your grandpa here."

Song Yiran was greatly embarrassed, paused for a second, and immediately felt wronged: "Grandpa, don't you remember me? I am Yiran, the granddaughter you loved the most before."

"My granddaughter died a long time ago." Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu replied very calmly.

At this time, Gu Ping came over in a hurry, with a tear in her eyes pretendingly: "Dad, is it really you? Are you really awake? I thought I thought..."

Gu Ping pretended to be excited on purpose!

"You thought I couldn't wake up, so you can continue to do whatever you want?" Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu suddenly took her words with a smile.

Gu Ping was stunned for a moment: "Dad, what are you talking about? I hope more than anyone else that you can wake up and get better soon. When you had an accident, I was the one who took care of you in the hospital all day long. If you say that, I'm really going to be very sad."

"Don't call me dad, I can't bear it, I was blind back then, brought a wolf into the house, ate my own daughter, wanted to eat my grandson, and now wants to eat my company. "

Mr. Gu suddenly put away his smile, and when he was talking, he took out a few pieces of paper: "This is a certificate for the termination of the adoption relationship. From today onwards, you will no longer belong to our Gu family, and the Gu family's household registration book will not There will be you Gu Ping again."

"Dad." Gu Ping's pupils suddenly dilated, and she took the paper handed over by Mr. Gu in disbelief, and after reading it, she tore it into pieces: "Dad, why are you doing this to me? Although I am not your biological father, I have been by your side for so many years, and I have long regarded you as my biological father. You will be released if you say so. Do you know that I am very sad and very sad. Did Qin Zexi tell you What?"

When Gu Ping was talking, she suddenly raised her head and glared fiercely at Qin Zexi: "It must be him, it must be him who said something to you."

Mr. Gu didn't hide anything, and said directly: "It is true that Zexi told me, but what Zexi said is also the truth, do you think I don't know, the reason why I fell into a coma before is because you gave me a booster Drugs, and caused."

(End of this chapter)

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