After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 560 Mr. Gu Woke Up

Chapter 560 Mr. Gu Woke Up

Gu Ping was startled, and quickly shook her head in denial: "Dad, what are you talking about? How could I give you blood pressure medicine? I know that you have high blood pressure, and I have taken the blood pressure medicine for you for so many years." Take it, even if I close my eyes, I won’t take it wrong.”

"Yeah, you can't take it wrong even if you close your eyes, but you are not closed, you are deceived." Mr. Gu's expression has always been calm, but in the eyes looking at Gu Ping, there is a hint of Clearly disappointed.

"You know that I will give the company to Zexi in my will, so you deliberately gave me a booster drug, which caused my blood pressure to rise and I fell into a coma, and then joined forces with outsiders to kill Zexi and monopolize it Company. Gu Ping, Gu Ping, I have raised you for so many years and given you the best life and education, but in the end you not only killed my own daughter, but also wanted to kill my own grandson. I'm so disappointed."

When Mr. Gu said this, he was already trembling with excitement, and his voice was unconsciously louder.

It was originally a company staff meeting, and 80.00% of Gu's employees were there. Those who are far away may not be able to hear it, but those who are close can hear it clearly, so it spread throughout the venue all at once. Come.

There were constant voices of discussion around, Gu Ping's face turned pale, but she still suppressed the panic in her heart, and then said calmly: "Dad, why do you say that about me? Could it be because of Qin Zexi's few In a word, you conclude that everything is done by me now?"

"Is the evidence inside the company just a display?" Qin Zexi pushed Mr. Gu, and suddenly said coldly.

Gu Ping glanced at him, and suddenly chuckled: "Those things can also be forged, who knows if you did it on purpose."

"Oh, I knew you would say that." Qin Zexi was not flustered at all.

"I've prepared it for you a long time ago. Look ahead."

As she spoke, she raised her eyes and looked forward, Gu Ping turned her head and saw Zhong Lian walking over with a middle-aged man in his forties.

The man had a shaggy beard and torn clothes.

Gu Ping looked at him with some doubts at first, but as the man got closer and closer, Gu Ping's eyes suddenly enlarged, and she looked at the man in disbelief, as if she saw some monster.

After the man approached, he smiled at Gu Ping: "Do you remember me? You agreed back then that you would give me a sum of money to crash a car."

"What nonsense are you talking about, I don't know you." Gu Ping turned her head away, not wanting to look at the man at all.

The man continued: "Back then you gave me 100 million, right? You sent me this money from your private account. You said you didn't know me?"

Gu Ping paused, and continued to play dumb: "I have sent money to too many people, so I don't remember."

"Hehe, Gu Ping, this account of yours only had this transaction six years ago, you said you don't remember it?" Qin Zexi couldn't help feeling amused.

"I'm so busy all day long, and I'm not a superman, can I remember everything?" Gu Ping panicked and wanted to explain.

"Then you should remember that you let me hit someone back then, right?" The middle-aged man suddenly spoke again!
(End of this chapter)

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