After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 561 Mr. Gu Woke Up

Chapter 561 Mr. Gu Woke Up

"Why should I remember the incident where you bumped into someone? It's really ridiculous." Gu Ping seemed a little angry.

"It seems that you have forgotten, so I don't know if you are familiar with this voice or not?"

The middle-aged man suddenly took out a dilapidated phone: "When you were looking for me back then, I was afraid that your words would not be counted, or that something would happen and you would ignore me, so I recorded the audio. The dialogue between us when I trade."

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, Gu Ping suddenly panicked, and the one who stepped forward wanted to take the phone from the man's hand.

And he called Song Yiran: "Yiran, hurry up, take the phone from this man's hand."

If the original incident was exposed, she would most likely be prosecuted for murder. Not only would she lose Gu Shi, she would even lose her freedom for the rest of her life!
Song Yiran didn't know what happened, Gu Ping said that if she wanted to snatch it, she had to rush forward to snatch it.

The mother and daughter stepped forward and grabbed the middle-aged man's arm holding the phone, trying to snatch the phone away.


Qin Zexi had expected this scene a long time ago, and turned his head to order the two security guards behind him.

The security guard understood, went up and immediately strangled Gu Ping and Song Yiran!
"You don't want to do it anymore, let me go, I'm the CEO of your Gu family." Gu Ping struggled, not caring about her image, and started to shout even louder.

At this time Qin Zexi said in a cold voice: "Gu Ping, are you afraid?"

"When you asked someone to hit my parents' car, didn't you think about being afraid? When you saw their dead bodies in front of you, didn't you think about being afraid?"


Gu Ping suddenly said disdainfully: "Afraid? I, Gu Ping, have never been afraid of anyone?"

"If it wasn't for this old man, I wouldn't have thought of going to trouble Gu Ling."

Seeing that her affairs had been revealed, Gu Ping simply didn't want to pretend anymore: "At first, I thought I introduced Gu Ling to a man whom the old man didn't like, and encouraged them to marry secretly, and let them elope together. With only one of my daughters here, the old man can treat me a little better."

"In these years, I served tea and water by the old man's side. I was wronged, it was cold, even if there was a knife in the sky, as long as the old man said a word, I had to go and do it for him, and I couldn't neglect it for a second. I'm not my own, as long as I treat him wholeheartedly, he will still find my kindness in the end."

Speaking of which, Gu Ping suddenly burst out laughing: "Haha, who knew that the old man would still think about his own daughter in the end, and even wanted to let go of the past and let Gu Ling come back."

"Do you think I'll let Gu Ling come back? I've been in the Gu family for so many years, because I don't have the blood of the Gu family on my body, so I've been suppressed by Gu Ling everywhere. She can act coquettishly, rebelliously, and even talk back to the old man. As for me, I have to think about eating a piece of cake."

"It was hard for me to let Gu Ling leave. It was hard for me to stand upright in Gu's house. Can I make Gu Ling come back and take away everything I have?"

"You, why did I raise such a wolf-hearted thing like you?" Hearing Gu Ping's words, Mr. Gu was so angry that he almost stood up from his wheelchair.

(End of this chapter)

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