After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 562 Mr. Gu Woke Up

Chapter 562 Mr. Gu Woke Up

Mr. Gu pointed at Gu Ping, his fingers were trembling: "How can you treat your sister like this, she treats you so well, I'm afraid I will be biased, every quarrel is because of you. Every time I buy something , going out to play, even going to school and studying abroad, in order to take into account your feelings, she asked me to give you the best, but you not only asked her to leave home for your own selfish desires, but also took her life, why are you doing this? You are cruel."

"It was you who drove her out, not me." Gu Ping suddenly roared loudly: "It is true that you care about my feelings, but are you sincere? Is it true that I am a foster child? It's better than that."

"Ask yourself, every time you go home, you always go to hug Gu Ling first, and then drag her to ask non-stop, about study, about life, you talk about everything, and I stand by Like a superfluous clown, but also cautious, for fear that I will make you unhappy, and then you will be kicked out."

"I have lived in Gu's family for so many years, think about it for yourself, whether you treat me and Gu Ling equally."

"Even after graduating and going to the company as an intern, what you have arranged for her is the easy job of a manager assistant who only needs to sit in the office, and me, hehe, the bottom salesman, she only needs to drink while sitting in the office every day. Coffee, chatting, that’s enough. As for me, I need to go out to the market with my seniors every day. In the first month of joining the company, three pairs of my shoes were ruined, and a thick layer of calluses grew on the soles of my feet. , the front of the thumb was even red and swollen and painful from being pressed by the shoe, but I still endured it and didn't even dare to speak."

"Gu Ling can complain unscrupulously about all kinds of things in the company in front of you, but I don't even dare to ask for leave to go to the hospital because my foot hurts. I'm afraid you will say I'm hypocritical, and I'm afraid I will make you unhappy."

Gu Ping was very excited. Tears flowed down her face as she spoke, as if she had really been wronged a lot.

Seeing her like this, Mr. Gu was surprised for a moment, moved his lips as if in surprise: Why do you think so?Although you were adopted by me, I really treat you as my own daughter. "

"I asked Xiaoling to be an assistant because of her pure personality and timidity. Only a job like an assistant is suitable for her. I asked you to do sales because I know you are a person who refuses to admit defeat, and I trust you , I want you to understand the basic situation of the company from the grassroots, so that when I step down and you take my position, people will not feel unconvinced."

"When I first went to the company, Xiaoling always came to me to complain about poor work, but you didn't say anything every time. I know you are strong, and you wouldn't say anything if I asked you. But it doesn't mean I don't care. You, do you still remember, your foot was injured at that time, did you take a week off, I asked the leader of your department to give it to you, I was afraid that you would not accept it, so I told you it was because you signed A new project, so the company rewards you."

"You said I was nice to Xiaoling, but whether you feel it is a matter of your own mentality. You are always cautious, for fear of doing something wrong or making me angry."

(End of this chapter)

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