After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 563 Mr. Gu Woke Up

Chapter 563 Mr. Gu Woke Up

"But do you know, I also have concerns, I know you have a heavy heart, so sometimes I have to be careful when talking to you, I will worry about whether you will think too much, and whether you will be sad. .”

When Mr. Gu said this, his throat was trembling: "The palms and backs of your hands are full of flesh. You are all my daughters. Why don't I love you?"

"I took you back from the orphanage back then, and it was a responsibility to you. I raised you up and taught you how to be a man. Like most fathers, I only hope that you can be happy, that you can be happy."

"When Xiaoling's mother passed away, you were the one who was most worried about you. Even when she was dying, she still asked me to treat you better. You can't have the idea of ​​favoring one another just because you have Xiaoling. It must be better than treating Xiaoling, and you and Xiaoling must be taught well and become the pride of our Gu family."

"It's just that now, in the end, I failed her. I failed to be a good father."

"And it hurt Xiaoling, and you!"

"Stop fooling me with these words. Do you really think I'm so easy to deceive? Haha, if you really treated me as your own daughter and really did it for my own good, you wouldn't have thought of asking Gu Ling to come back. , don't you just think that Gu Ling is your biological daughter, and you want to give her the company?"

There were tears in Gu Ping's eyes. Old Master Gu's words seemed to move her a little, but soon he laughed again, and the smile looked a little bleak.

"I started from the bottom of sales, and climbed up to the position of sales director step by step. You gave me the position of executive president. How much hardship I suffered, how much wronged I suffered; how many tears I shed, before I changed With all the things that came here, why does Gu Ling have everything as soon as he comes back?"

"You keep saying that you treat me as your own daughter, but in the end, you still dislike me for not having your Gu family's blood on my body."

"Of course I'm not convinced, I'm not reconciled. I've done so many things for Mrs. Gu. Is there anything I can't compare to that young lady like Gu Ling, who can only be coquettish and can't bear the slightest bit of hardship?"

Hearing Gu Ping's dissatisfaction complaint, old man Gu's face was as white as ashes, he was holding the handle of the wheelchair tightly, and his cloudy eyes glistened with tears.

"Xiaoling never thought of taking away everything you have. You can only blame me, the old man. I wanted her back at the beginning, but she didn't agree. She said she was afraid that you would have ideas, and she persuaded me, Let me treat you well. You are the blessing of our Gu family and a part of our Gu family when you come to the Gu family. You are her most trusted sister. With you here, she can feel at ease. She doesn't plan to ask any of the Gu family. Let me leave all the family property to you."

"If you want to blame, you can only blame me, why I didn't explain it clearly to you, and why I called her back all of a sudden."

"But you are all my daughters. Even if I drove her out of the house when I was angry, but the overnight feud between father and daughter, I just think that I am old, and I want to see everyone in the family live happily ever after." Together."

"But I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was an eternal separation between man and heaven!"

Mr. Gu lowered his head slowly as he spoke, suddenly a tear fell from his eyes, landed on his trouser legs, and then slowly spread into one piece.

(End of this chapter)

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