After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 567 Do You Think You Are Still Miss Gu Family?

Chapter 567 Do You Think You Are Still Miss Gu Family?

Song was still standing at the door, playing tricks, begging to pretend to be pitiful, and even trying to bribe him, but there was still no way to get in.

Gu's security is notoriously strict, Song Yiran can only stand at the door with nothing to do, waiting for Gu Ping to come out.

But later, a group of people in uniforms came, and after a while, Gu Ping was taken out of the Gu family by handcuffs.


Song still wanted to rush up, but he didn't know if he was in a hurry. Before he could get close, his legs gave way and he fell directly to the ground.

A piece of skin was broken on the knee by the bricks on the ground, and there was a piercing pain, and blood burst out in an instant.

However, Gu Ping didn't notice her at all, she was directly pushed into the car, and left directly.


Song still couldn't care so much, he got up and limped and wanted to follow.

But her speed was not as fast as that of a car. After just two steps, the car had already disappeared in front of her.


Song Yiran felt so helpless and desolate for the first time in his life.

Seeing Gu Ping being taken away like this, she had no choice but to do anything!
The Gu family definitely can't go back, but now she doesn't know where else she can go!
He took out his phone and rummaged for a long time, and finally called Ou Ruting!
"Yiran, how about I give you some money and you find a place to live. It's really inconvenient for me recently."

Song Yiran hasn't made many close friends in recent years. Ou Ruting and Xia Sien are considered to be having a good time, but after Xia Sien had a falling out because of the miscarriage last time, they never contacted each other again.

The only person she can contact and think of is Ou Ruting!
But he never expected that Ou Ruting's attitude towards her would be so perfunctory!
"Ou Ruting, is it your little money that I'm short of? Are you so busy? I've had such a big incident, and you don't even want to come out to see me?"

Song Yiran used to be the eldest lady of the Gu family, and she was used to being arrogant outside, even when facing a friend like Ou Ruting.

In the past, everyone was dissatisfied, but few people showed it.

But it is different now.

Ou Ruting was even angry: "Song Yiran, do you think you are still the young lady of the Gu family? You used to like to talk to me and Xia Si'en like this, and waved around, but that was all in the past, you know You are not as good as a dog now, so I ask you to put down your big lady tone, it’s good if you don’t lack money, you can do whatever you want, grandma, I really don’t have time Accompany you."

After Ou Ruting finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

Song Yiran was so angry that he almost dropped the phone!

Just angry, Song Yiran, who had reacted, finally remembered a question!
She really doesn't have much cash!
In the past, Gu Ping gave her a credit card just to show off to Mr. Gu, in order to control her consumption and prevent her from spending money indiscriminately.

Later, Mr. Gu fell ill, and under Song Yiran's strong request, Gu Ping gave her some cash.

But that cash has been almost squandered by her!

Even the credit card has been maxed out, and there is not much left!
And the clothes and bags that were squandered were all in the Gu family's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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