After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 568 Didn't go in, but was kicked out!

Chapter 568 Didn't go in, but was kicked out!
In it just now, she has already said that she doesn't want all the inheritance left to her by old man Gu.

If she went in now, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

So if she wanted to survive for the time being, she had to go back and take out the brand-name clothes and bags she bought. Even if they were sold at half price, it would allow her to live for a while!
And Mr. Gu definitely hasn't gone back now, so now is the best time to go back.

Thinking of this, Song Yiran immediately stopped a car and went back to Gu's mansion.

After paying the fare, with the money on her body, it might be difficult for her to even eat a bowl of fried rice.

But when she thought that she would have money immediately, she was not so anxious!
In the taxi just now, she has already contacted the buyer, and she will trade as soon as she gets the bag.

After ringing the doorbell, no one came out to answer the door for a long time.

Song Yiran was getting impatient, so he took out his phone and called Han Bo.

Han Bo answered the phone very quickly, but before he could speak, Song Yiran yelled impatiently: "Are you dead? You haven't opened the door for me for so long? Is it possible that even you Look down on me? Do you still want to recognize me as a daughter?"

The other side was silent for a while, and then heard Han Bowei's weak voice: "Miss Yiran, I have already returned to my hometown, and I am no longer in the Gu family."

"Back to my hometown? When?" Song Yiran was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to remember that she hadn't seen him recently!

"It's been a long time. It's been a month since I came back. The eldest lady asked me to come back." Although Han Bo's voice was weak, when he said these words, he was very calm.

"I'm old and I can't continue to serve others, so naturally I should come back."

"That's fine, I'm hanging up."

Song Yiran didn't know why he felt sad all of a sudden!
Apart from Gu Ping, Han Bo is the only person in Gu's family who can understand her clearly.

Now that Gu Ping has been taken away, even Han Bo is gone!
Feeling empty in my heart, I'm really not used to it!
"Miss Still..."

But at this moment, Uncle Han suddenly called out to her!
Song Yiran's phone call, which he was about to hang up, suddenly stopped!
"Can you call me dad? Although I know, I'm not your biological father."

"You know?" Song Yiran was a little surprised, even surprised!

Han Bo's tone was still calm: "Well, Missy told me everything."

Song Yiran suddenly became angry: "You know you still want me to call you dad? Are you stupid?"

"I know Miss Yiran that you don't like me. I'm just delusional. It's just that I've had such a beautiful dream for so many years. I suddenly woke up from the dream. Apart from being unacceptable, most of them are still unwilling."

Song Yiran's answer seemed to be within Han Bo's expectation, and he even smiled, but he was not unhappy or angry.

"But I also figured it out. I was originally a servant. I had no father or mother since I was a child. If it wasn't for the master, I wouldn't have stayed in the Gu family for so many years and had such a good life."

"It's just that I didn't see my status clearly, so I don't blame you and the eldest lady. I helped you all voluntarily. It's just that I have done so many things that I am sorry to the master. After all, I still feel extremely guilty in my heart."

"So my retribution has finally come."

(End of this chapter)

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