After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 569 I Was Kicked Out Without Entering

Chapter 569 I Was Kicked Out Without Entering
When Han Bo talked about retribution, Song still didn't know why, and was startled suddenly, and subconsciously asked, "What retribution? What do you mean?"

"I have cancer, it's terminal, and the time is not long!"

Song still held the phone's hand, and suddenly trembled, feeling as if something had been emptied.

It all happened so coincidentally; Gu Ping was arrested and Han Bo got cancer. Could this really be retribution?
Do not.
All they did was to protect their own interests, so why should there be retribution?

No, no!
Her mother was taken away only temporarily, and she will definitely come back.

"It's your own business that you have cancer, what retribution is not retribution? What does it have to do with me and my mother? You used to help us, it was my mother who looked down on you, and people like you give me advice. The shoes don’t even match, and you still want me to call you daddy, you’re really just dreaming.”

"If you want to die, you should die early, don't have to pretend to be pitiful in front of others."

Song still didn't know what he said, but hung up the phone in a panic after finishing speaking.

She didn't notice at all, from the moment she spoke, the other side was silent.

Sometimes, the heart that is not warm may be talking about people like Song Yiran.

On the other end of the phone, Han Bo, who was as skinny as a stick, looked at the number stored on the phone screen in his hand and noted the words "daughter", and suddenly raised the corner of his mouth ironically, but the tears in the corners of his eyes were welling up in the corner of his mouth. In an instant, the drops fell.

Sometimes, maybe there really shouldn't be fantasies!
It really is still a fool's dream!

Song Yiran, who hung up the phone, immediately rang the doorbell again in order to calm down the panic in his heart.

Still no one came out, she just kept pressing.

After pressing for about 1 minute, someone finally came to open the door!

There was a separate small door on the gate of the Gu family's mansion. The servant opened the door, but only opened a small gap, and then exposed his head.

The expression on her face was very impatient. Looking at Song Yiran, she pointed to the door without waiting for her to speak: "Do you really think we can't hear you? There is a camera on it, and we deliberately don't open it for you." Yes, you said how stupid you are like a pig, you don’t understand, but you are the one who walked out from here.”

"What are you talking to me like that? Are you new here?"

It was the first time that Song Yiran was reprimanded by a servant in such a disdainful tone, so he was naturally very angry.

The servant looked at her, and suddenly sneered: "You really are a nobleman who forgets things a lot. You asked me to do things for you back then, and you forgot so soon?"

Song still looked at the servant, but she felt familiar, but she knew all the servants in the Gu family, and no one dared to talk to her like that, so she thought they were newcomers.

It's just that after hearing this sentence, this is the time to look at it seriously.

The maid curled her lips with disgust on her face: "Don't look at it, let me remind you, you threatened me to put abortion pills in Miss Zhaoxue's soup, but when the matter was exposed, you put everything All the things were framed on me, and they hurt my hand on purpose."

"I knew from that time that you will definitely have retribution one day."

(End of this chapter)

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