After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 570 I Was Kicked Out Without Entering

Chapter 570 I Was Kicked Out Without Entering
"It's you? Didn't you get kicked out? Why are you back?"

Song Yiran seemed to have remembered something, and was a little surprised!

The servant seemed to chuckle: "Hehe, I was kicked out, it was Han Bo who asked me to come back, it's just that I was arranged to do some chores in the back, naturally a young lady like you can't see me."

"Han Bo?"

"Yes, Uncle Han felt sorry for me, so when I came back, it's just that the content of my work was not as good as before."

"Do you know that Uncle Han is my father, and you owe him a favor when he asks you to come back. Now that you let me in, it's equivalent to repaying the favor."

Song Yiran couldn't care so much, and wanted to go in as soon as he pushed the door. Ruozuo used to disdain to say such things, but now it is obvious that the servants don't allow her to go in.

If she can't go in, she can't get things, and if she can't get things, she has no money, so she has to go in.

Unexpectedly, the servant listened to her words, and suddenly pushed her, Song Yiran staggered twice, and fell directly to the ground.
"What are you doing? You actually pushed me?"

Song was still caught off guard, staring at the servant, and shouted out annoyed.

The servant was not afraid of her at all: "I still want to ask you, what do you want to do, you are not allowed to enter here, don't you understand?"

Song Yiran was so angry that he was at a loss for words for a while, and choked his breath in his throat for a long time without saying a word.

It's just that sometimes, people really have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Song still had no choice but to soften his tone, and then said: "That's okay, you let me in, I pack some things and come out, that's fine. If you think it's not worth it, I'll give you a bag, yes I just bought it, and the new packaging hasn’t been opened yet, you can go to the counter to return it if you want, that bag is worth tens of thousands of yuan, do you think it’s okay?”

It was the first time in Song Yiran's life that he talked to a servant like this. He was full of anger, but he had to pretend to be flattering.

This feeling of suffocation is really too uncomfortable!

"What do you think you are? You can buy me with a bag? Do you think I will continue to be fooled by you like before? You can go as far as you go. You are no longer a member of the Gu family. I can't let you in either."

"Let me tell you, you can't live without doing your own crimes. Mr. Gu is so kind to your mother and daughter, only a femme fatale like your mother and daughter can do such outrageous things. I feel disgusted when I talk to you now. "

After the servant finished speaking, he immediately closed the door with a "bang"!
Song still looked at the closed door, feeling so angry that he was about to die, but he had no choice but to pinch his palm fiercely to let himself vent.

The gate of the Gu family's mansion is facing the street. Although there are not many people and vehicles passing by, it must be embarrassing to sit on the ground like this.

Song still stood up from the ground in a panic, and then walked to the side.

With no money and no place to go, Song still had red eyes, feeling a little helpless.

There was a faint pain in the palm, and Song Yiran lowered his head to realize that when he was pushed to the ground just now, a piece of skin was cut on the ground in the palm of the hand, the blood didn't flow much, but the pain was severe.

(End of this chapter)

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