Chapter 571

Holding his breath in his heart, panicked, coupled with the pain from his palm, Song Yiran suddenly felt a sense of grievance welling up, the soreness in his eyes became more and more obvious, and tears flowed down directly.

It's just that Song still didn't dare to cry on the side of the road. After all, she was the eldest lady of the Gu family for more than [-] years, and there were many people who knew her around her, so she bit her lip and held back her tears, wanting to walk to the road. to the other side.

But the tears in his eyes seemed uncontrollable, the more he endured it, the more it flowed down.


Suddenly there was a sound of brakes, and Song Yiran looked up and saw a van stop in front of him.

The driver got down from the cab and walked towards her angrily, followed by three big men!

"How do you walk? Are you looking for death?" The driver yelled at her loudly.

Song was still a little dazed, and only then realized that he was standing in the middle of the road.

There are no other people or cars around, just this van!

"Don't you have eyes for driving?" Song Yiran felt uncomfortable at first, so he couldn't control his temper at this meeting.

"Is the little girl very attractive?"

Suddenly a big man came up and wanted to pull her.

Song still took a step back subconsciously: "What are you doing?"

"Don't do anything, aren't you very annoying?" Another big man suddenly, taking advantage of Song's still unprepared, squeezed her shoulder.

"Someone wants to see you, so come with us!"

Song still was forcibly taken into the van, a woman, and four big men are naturally no match!
As soon as I got in the car, I was blindfolded, and I could only hear a few people talking over there.

Song was still scared to death, curled up in the back row, trembling all over.

But listening to those few words, she could vaguely deduce that these people were hired and came here specially to wait for her.

Song still tried hard to recall the person who might kidnap her in his mind. After thinking for a while, he eliminated many people. In the end, only Xu Qinqi and Xia Si'en were the most likely!

It's just that these two people haven't made any movement recently, so how could they catch her at the gate of Gu's mansion by such a coincidence?
Could it be that Qin Zexi was not the two who tied her up!
Qin Zexi hated her and Gu Ping so much, in front of his grandfather, he might still have some scruples and wouldn't touch her, and it might not be the case if he was behind his back.

Song was still guessing wildly in her mind, but because of fear, she couldn't ask a single word.

The van was extremely bumpy. It was okay at first, but then it seemed to go more and more sideways, and the bumps became more and more bumpy. Song still felt that his whole body was about to fall apart.

Then the car finally stopped, and then there was the sound of the door opening, and then the trunk was opened, and then the back of the seat was lowered, and then her arm was pulled, and a huge pulling force came, and Song was still pulled. He rushed forward directly.

I don't know if that person did it on purpose or by mistake, he let go of the hand holding her suddenly, and then she jumped out of the van box directly, lying on the ground in the posture of a dog chewing shit.


There was a burst of mocking laughter around!

"Hahaha, you look really ugly."

Song Yiran's hands were tied, and it was very difficult to get up, and when she jumped out, her arm seemed to be scratched on the ground, and she was in pain right now.

(End of this chapter)

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