Chapter 572

But the ironic laughter of those people made her feel more uncomfortable than pain.

Biting his lip, even though it was painful, he still supported the ground with his arms and let himself sit up from the ground, and then stood up slowly.

"What on earth are you tying me up here for? I definitely don't have the money. If you dare to violate me, I promise to bite my tongue and die in front of you immediately."

Song was still very scared, but he still forced himself to calm down, and then expressed his position and ideas.

At this moment, one of the men spoke up: "Haha, little girl, don't be so serious. Our brothers are just doing things under orders. We have received money from our employer, so we are naturally doing things for our employer. Money will definitely not If you want it, as for the person. Hehe, it depends on what the employer orders."

When she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand suddenly, and then pinched her chin: "Although it's not very beautiful, it's okay. It's still much better than ordinary people. Our buddies are not so picky. Hahaha!"

The man's words fell silent, and laughter echoed around him.

Song Yiran was startled, shook off the man's hand, and then took a step back, his throat trembling with fear: "Who is your employer? Let her come out to see me."

"Our employer is much prettier than you!" A man replied.


is a woman!

Xia Sien?

Su Zhaoxue?
At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Bring her in, the thing on the eye was pulled."

"Xia Sien?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Song Yiran immediately called out loudly.

"Let's go, come in with us."

It's just that Xia Si'en didn't pay attention to her at all, but the man next to her suddenly tugged her: "Let's go, why are you shouting?"

Song Yiran was so dragged that he couldn't walk properly at all, it was like being dragged away with one step at a time.

Fortunately, the distance was not too far, and then stopped, and the blindfold was also pulled off.

When it was first opened, Song Yiran was still not used to it, and subconsciously closed his eyes to avoid the glaring light. After a few seconds, he seemed to have gotten used to it, and Song Yiran slowly opened his eyes.

Sure enough, sitting on the single sofa not far in front of him was Xia Sien, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

The scar on her face is still there, and it shows no sign of fading.

"Why did you tie me up?"

Although he had an answer in his heart, Song still asked subconsciously.

During the questioning, Song still looked around. The house was fully furnished, but it was very simple, and it looked like he didn't live there often.

Xia Sien was sitting on the sofa, listening to her words, suddenly sneered, and the scar on his face moved accordingly, giving the impression of a long stretched wrinkle, which made people look a little Uncomfortable and hideous feeling.

"Why did you tie me up? Song Yiran, haven't you always been very smart? Does this mean you know what you are asking or does it mean that you have really become stupid?"

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Song still looked at Xia Sien coldly, and didn't know what was wrong with him. He was obviously scared to death, worried to death, and even more afraid that Xia Sien would ask those men to do something to her, but she just couldn't soften her tone. Coming to talk to Xia Sien, he could only hold on pretending to be calm.

(End of this chapter)

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