Chapter 574

"You just want to use me to frame Su Zhaoxue, and then drive a wedge between Su Zhaoxue and Qin Zexi, right?"

Xia Sien stared at Song Yiran intently, his eyes were as scary as if he wanted to eat people.

It was the first time for Song Yiran to see Xia Sien like this, and the hidden wall in her heart seemed to collapse suddenly. She was inexplicably afraid, and inexplicably at a loss!
He subconsciously shook his head, wanting to deny it.

It's just that the cold knife on her face made her feel a sudden numbness in her back, and she suddenly didn't dare to move her head.

Xia Sien sneered: "Hmph, I'm giving you a chance, you'd better think it through before telling me."

"It's true that I put someone in your cup for medicine, but didn't you tell me before that you don't want this child?"

Song still knew that he couldn't escape, so he simply admitted it, but soon he found another reason for himself!

"Oh, it really is you."

Xia Si'en didn't seem surprised by this answer at all, but still chuckled lightly.

Song Yiran only felt a sudden tingling pain on her cheek as the laughter faded away.

Song Yiran took a light breath in pain, and subconsciously wanted to hide to the side, but he didn't want Xia Sien to be so strong that he couldn't move when he pinched her.

"What are you doing? Didn't I already tell the truth, why do you still scratch me?"

Song was still a little annoyed, subconsciously raised the volume!
"I told you before, won't it hurt you if you tell the truth?" The tip of the knife in Xia Sien's hand was still on Song Yiran's face.

The tingling pain kept coming, and Song still frowned in pain. He didn't even dare to move, so he could only cautiously ask, "What exactly do you want to do? Can you hurry up?"

"Have you seen the scars on my face?" Xia Si'en suddenly sneered, "How about giving you two stabs in the face?"

"How dare you!" Song Yiran was so frightened that he began to tremble.

Xia Sien smiled lightly, and the knife in his hand began to slide slowly: "Hehe, don't you dare me?"

"This side is to compensate you for making my face look like this. Well, how long does it take? It's just as good as mine, and it won't make you suffer, right?"

"Let me go!" Song Yiran really felt scared, and the pain hit his back even more chills!
She tried to avoid the knife in Xia Sien's hand, but the cold tip of the knife was on her face. Apart from feeling the pain, she could also feel the cool blood flowing down her face.

"This side." Xia Si'en didn't answer her at all, but switched the knife to the other side of the face, with the tip of the knife touching his cheek, and did not draw down: "The ones on this side are to make up for my child. Naturally, it must be drawn deeper than the other side."

Xia Si'en was still talking casually, but the knife in his hand suddenly exerted force and directly pierced into her cheek.


Song Yiran was terrified at first, but this thorn tensed her whole nerves, and she screamed uncontrollably in pain.

"That's my child. Even if I don't want him, it's not your turn."

Xia Sien gritted his teeth as he spoke, and his eye sockets suddenly turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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