After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 575 The Two Argued Again

Chapter 575

Song Yiran was trembling from the pain, she gritted her teeth desperately, and looked at Xia Sien: "We have known each other for several years, but now that I'm down and out, are you going to treat me like this?"

But Xia Si'en sneered: "Otherwise, haven't you heard of the principle of retaliating a tooth with a tooth for a tooth and treating a person with the same way?"

"Why didn't you think about me at the beginning?"

I don't know if it was Xia Sien's knife that made Song Yiran timid, or the pain in her cheeks made her finally soften her attitude: "Even if I treated you badly before, you scratching both sides of my face now is still considered repayment." I'm done, can you let me go?"

"Hehe, let go of you so simply, Song Yiran, you probably haven't woken up from the dream, huh? Or is the wound on your face not too painful?"

While Xia Sien was talking, the knife in his hand stabbed down hard again.

Song still had cold sweat on his painful forehead, and tears couldn't stop flowing down. He took a deep breath, and began to beg Xia Sien with trembling lips and teeth: "I beg you, can you let me go? My face is also I was scratched by you, and your revenge was avenged, and we are also clean, so please let me go."

"Hehe, Song Yiran, you finally begged me, you finally begged me."

Xia Sien suddenly laughed out loud, but soon, he gritted his teeth and glared at Song Yiran coldly: "Two cleans? You say two clears mean two clears? Isn't the child in my stomach a life, you Do you think you can end with just one wound? Let me tell you, even if you kill you, you won’t be able to clean up.”

"Then what exactly do you want to do?" Song Yiran was frightened and panicked, and the pain on her cheek made her whole body tremble.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Xia Sien smiled, and suddenly blinked at Song Yiran: "I have a good way, one life is worth one life, have you heard of it?"

"Murder breaks the law, don't you know?"

Song Yiran was startled. Although she had been tortured to the point where she lost all strength, she didn't want to die just like that.

Unexpectedly, Xia Sien said slowly, "Hehe, I won't kill you, you killed my child, of course you have to use your child to pay for your life."

"I don't have children, how can I pay you?"


Xia Sien raised his lips and chuckled: "There are so many men here, it's not easy to want a child."

Han Jianfeng blocked Hu Xianya for several days, and finally blocked her in the underground parking lot of their company.

Seeing that something was wrong, Hu Yanqian ran into the company with Zai Zai in his arms.

"Talk slowly, leave it to me, don't worry!"

Hu Xianya had no choice but to hate Tie Bucheng and just glanced at Hu Yanqian's back.


Han Jianfeng's voice was a little low, and he seemed haggard and lost a lot of weight after not seeing him for a few days.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Han. My name is Hu Qianya. If you are looking for Xuan'er, you may be looking for the wrong person."

Hu Xianya sneered, turned around and wanted to leave.

Han Jianfeng quickly grabbed her: "Xianya, can you listen to me first?"

"What do you want to say?" Hu Xianya threw Han Jianfeng away, then stopped suddenly, and turned to look at him.

Hu Xianya's face was expressionless, but her eyes were filled with coolness!
Han Jianfeng was a little sad to be stared at by her eyes like this!
(End of this chapter)

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