After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 576 A Family Must Be Together Forever

Chapter 576 The Family Must Be Together Forever
"The last time my mother went to see you, I don't know..."

Han Jianfeng stabilized his emotions, and that's when he opened his mouth to explain. It's just that when he spoke, there was a trace of hurt emotion in his tone, but because he deliberately suppressed it, it was difficult to detect it.

"Do you know what's none of my business?"

Hu Xianya's tone was still not very good.

"My mother just misses Zai Zai too much, so she may be a little excited in her words and actions. Don't be as knowledgeable as her, okay!"

The first thing she did was to explain for Lorna, Hu Xianya didn't really care much about the fact that Lorna came to her and then forcibly tried to take the little boy away.

The little boy has been raised by Han's family for four months. Lorna likes the little boy, so naturally she misses him.

Hu Xianya can actually understand!

But listening to Han Jianfeng's words at this time, she felt inexplicably irritable, even a little impatient!

How ignorant of her did he really come to explain this matter to her?

In his mind, is she the kind of person who likes to be angry with me but is not understanding?
"If you want to come and tell me this, well, I've heard it now, so you go away."

Hu Xianya didn't want to talk too much with him at all, so she went to the company again.

"Xianya, can you stop being angry and go home!"

Han Jianfeng didn't know if he didn't explain clearly, or if he said something wrong.

Seeing that Hu Xianya still seemed very angry, she grabbed her!

"Xianya, I know that my mother was wrong when she came to hug the cub, so forgive her once and stop being angry with her. How do you want to calm down? Do it to me, okay?"

This time Han Jianfeng was afraid that she would leave, so he pulled it very tightly, and Hu Xianya didn't shake it off a few times!

Hu Xianya finally broke out unbearably, and turned her head to look at Han Jianfeng: "Han Jianfeng, are you enough? You came here just to tell me this? Does it make sense?"

"Me." Han Jianfeng seemed to want to say something!
It's just that before the words were spoken, Hu Xianya quickly interrupted: "Han Jianfeng, I don't care, do you understand? I don't care about you, so I don't care about your mother coming to me at all, understand Is it? I only care about the brat, nothing else, understand now?"

Han Jianfeng looked at Hu Xianya for a while, and felt that there seemed to be a problem with his hearing, and he couldn't believe that Hu Xianya said these words at all.

He shook his head and smiled: "Xianya, what you said must be angry. How could you not care about me? If you didn't care about me, you wouldn't have come back, right?"

"I came back for the brat, not for you."

Hu Xianya didn't know if it was because she was guessed right, so she was a little flustered, and hurriedly refuted Han Jianfeng's words!

It's just that when he was talking, he didn't dare to look at Han Jianfeng because of a guilty conscience.

Hu Xianya's words made Han Jianfeng feel hurt, but he was much better than before. He held Hu Xianya tightly and smiled hard: "But Zai Zai is our child, right? We are A family, a family should be together forever, right?"

To be together forever, as long as she can be by his side!
(End of this chapter)

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