Chapter 592

Qin Zexi knew that it was useless to say anything to Mr. Gu at this time, so he pulled Su Zhaoxue up and said to Mr. Gu calmly: "Since Grandpa insists on keeping her here, then Zhaoxue and I I had no choice but to move out with Niu Niu."

Hearing that they were going to move out, Mr. Gu finally became anxious, and hurriedly said: "I have already said what to do when you move out, and it won't hinder you."

"For Niuniu's safety, I think it's better for us to move out."

After Qin Zexi finished speaking, he led Su Zhaoxue to leave the restaurant.

It's just that before he took two steps, he heard old man Gu's cry of pain: "Ouch..."

When Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue turned their heads, they saw Mr. Gu lying on the dining table with a painful expression on his face, while Song next to him was still at a loss.

The two were startled at the same time, and hurried over. Qin Zexi supported Mr. Gu's shoulders, and asked with concern, "Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm dizzy and have severe chest tightness."

"Did your blood pressure rise again? Let me push you to your room and take some medicine."

Pushing old man Gu to the room, drank some medicine, Qin Zexi helped the old man to lie down on the bed again, the old man seemed to feel better now.

"Grandpa, take a break first, and call me anytime you need anything."

Now that the old man has been settled, Qin Zexi can tell.

"Hmm." The old man nodded as if he felt really uncomfortable.

Song still clung to Qin Zexi's side all the time, sometimes pulling his arm, sometimes pulling his hand, and even thinking about pulling his hair.

Just now because the old man's situation is not good, Qin Zexi just looked at her displeasedly, and warned her with his eyes, but Song Yiran didn't know whether he really didn't understand or pretended not to understand, anyway, he just ignored him , a look of going its own way.

This will leave the old man's room, Song Yiran is still like this, but Qin Zexi won't give her a good face, so he directly pulled her wrist and pulled her aside, his tone was even colder: "Go away, okay?"

Song Yiran was staggered for several steps by being dragged, and almost fell to the ground. Hearing Qin Zexi's roar, he burst into tears all of a sudden.

And crying loudly!
Qin Zexi didn't want to talk to her at all, so he took Su Zhaoxue and walked towards the living room. When the two were sitting on the sofa, Song Yiran was still standing there crying, but after crying for a while, no one talked to her at all. , her crying finally became smaller and smaller until it became silent.

Qin Zexi raised his forehead and looked at Su Zhaoxue with some embarrassment: "Grandpa looks like this, I feel a little uneasy about letting him here alone."

"But Song is still here, and I'm worried about you and Niuniu..."

"It doesn't matter, I'll take Niu Niu a little closer. Just don't let Song Yiran have a chance to get close. Don't make things difficult. The situation is like this now. The road is dead, but people are alive."

Su Zhaoxue knew that Qin Zexi was in trouble, and couldn't bear to let him worry about it.

Qin Zexi hesitated to speak, but in the end he had no choice but to hold Su Zhaoxue's hand, apologetic: "I will find a way to get Song Yiran out of here, but you may be wronged in the next few days."

Su Zhaoxue was actually feeling uncomfortable, but she still comforted Qin Zexi with a smile: "It's okay, as long as Niuniu doesn't have any accidents, everything will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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