After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 593 Niuniu is sick

Chapter 593 Niuniu is sick

But what Su Zhaoxue never expected was that something happened to Niuniu, just be on guard!

Because Su Zhaoxue didn't keep up with the nutrition in the early stage, after the confinement, she started to drink milk powder for Niuniu at night!

After drinking a little milk powder every night, I will sleep through the night until dawn.

But that night, it was very strange. Niu Niu, who drank milk powder, just fell asleep, and Su Zhaoxue was going to wash up and go to bed, but for some reason, the little guy suddenly started crying.

Su Zhaoxue hurried over and hugged her, then patted her on the back lightly, coaxing her to continue to sleep.

When she first picked her up, Niu Niu was still very obedient, lying in Su Zhaoxue's arms she stopped crying and closed her eyes as if she was going to sleep.

Su Zhaoxue wanted to put her on the bed after thinking about it, but as soon as she put it down, the little guy suddenly started crying heartbreakingly again, so Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to hug her again.

After going back and forth like this several times, Qin Zexi was not at home because of a business trip, so Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to open the door to find a nanny for help.

But she didn't want to see Song Yiran standing at the door of her bedroom as soon as she opened the door. Su Zhaoxue was so shocked that she was almost out of her mind.

These days when Song Yiran came back, it was still his duty. He had never been to the second floor, let alone being close to Su Zhaoxue and Niuniu. The second floor came and stood at the door of her room.

"What are you doing?" Su Zhaoxue hugged Niuniu subconsciously, and then looked at Song Yiran defensively.

Unexpectedly, Song Yiran looked at her and smiled, turned around and ran downstairs.

At that time, Niuniu in her arms was crying hard, Su Zhaoxue didn't care about her, so she didn't care.

I took Niuniu to find a nanny, only to find that Niuniu seemed to have a stomachache, and she kept having diarrhea.

The two packed up their things and planned to go to the hospital with Niuniu in their arms!
Mr. Gu heard the movement and followed him out.

"What's the matter with the child, what's the matter?"

Mr. Gu has been in a state of illness recently, either dizzy or chest tightness, but he can still eat, and he looks better than before, and he speaks with a lot of breath.

I can still hug Niuniu every day and tease her!
Sometimes Su Zhaoxue even suspects that Mr. Gu is deliberately pretending to be sick in order to keep them here.

Su Zhaoxue was very anxious, and replied while walking: "Niu Niu seems to have eaten something, and her stomach hurts. We are going to the hospital now."

"How can such a small child eat up his stomach?" Old Master Gu became anxious when he heard what Su Zhaoxue said, "I'll go with you too."

Su Zhaoxue was already in a hurry, but after hearing what the old man said, she immediately became confused: "Grandpa, you should stay at home. Your health is not good. If you get sick, shall we take care of you first or Niuniu first?"

Su Zhaoxue didn't mean to speak so aggressively, but she was really in a hurry.

Niuniu has been out of confinement for almost three months now, she has always eaten like this, how could she suddenly eat badly?

Mr. Gu was stunned by Su Zhaoxue's words all of a sudden. He wanted to say something, but Su Zhaoxue had already left the house with Niuniu and the nanny in his arms!
(End of this chapter)

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