After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 595 To move away

Chapter 595 To move away

But when he didn't want to wait for the old man to come out, what he saw was Su Zhaoxue carrying his luggage and planning to leave.

Mr. Gu was stunned for a moment: "Zhaoxue, what are you?"

Su Zhaoxue looked indifferent: "I'd better take Niuniu out to live, I don't want what happened last time to happen again."

"Maybe it was just an accident? Niu Niu has always been fine." Mr. Gu didn't want Su Zhaoxue to take Niu Niu out at all, so he hurriedly said.

Su Zhaoxue glanced at Song Yiran, who had been standing next to Mr. Gu: "It was good before, but there is one more person in the family. This time it is a laxative. Who knows if it will be poison next time? I can't let Niuniu lives in a place full of danger."

"Zhaoxue, Zexi is not at home now, wait for him to come back, let's discuss it, okay?" Mr. Gu wanted to stop Su Zhaoxue, pushed the wheelchair over by himself, and grabbed Su Zhaoxue's clothes.

That look doesn't look like what an old man should look like

Su Zhaoxue really didn't know what to say, and was so anxious that she was about to cry: "Grandpa, I have already told him, and he agreed, and he will come back today. I know you are reluctant to part with Niuniu, But you also saw that day, Niuniu was crying so scary, the doctor said that in Niuniu's examination results, the reason for her diarrhea was that she had taken laxatives by mistake."

"Grandpa, think about it. Niu Niu is only three months old. Although the doctor used it by accidental ingestion, don't we all know it very well? How could it be accidental ingestion? We have always been very careful about Niu Niu's diet. And there has never been a problem before, why did you bring Song Yiran back and something went wrong?"

"I asked the nanny to come back to get the milk powder for testing. She actually ate all the remaining milk powder and lost the milk powder box. She said that she has no problems. Do you believe it?"

Mr. Gu seemed a little embarrassed, so he said pleadingly: "Zhaoxue, I know you have prejudices against still, but still she is stimulated now, and her mind is not very good. When she ate Niu Niu's milk powder that day, it was also because she was hungry. The powdered milk smelled delicious, so I ate it without holding back. Besides, Yiran was by my side all day long, and it was absolutely impossible for her to play tricks on Niuniu. I don’t think Yiran can be blamed for this. The blame can only be blamed on Niuniu's nanny, it must be caused by her not paying attention."

Mr. Gu's words are completely justifying Song Yiran.

And he also expected that Su Zhaoxue didn't have any evidence, so he blamed all the crimes on the nanny. Anyway, the nanny is an outsider, so it doesn't matter much.

Listening to Old Master Gu's words, Su Zhaoxue really wanted to laugh. She didn't know what kind of thoughts Old Master Gu was thinking when he said such words.

"Miss Su, it's not me. I don't have one. When I make milk powder for Niu Niu, the baby bottles and the like are all sterilized according to your requirements. Every time the milk powder is made like that, I don't know why. This time, Niuniu will have diarrhea after drinking it. Miss Su, although I have not been with Niuniu for a long time, I definitely treat her like my own child. I am always cautious, how could I give Niuniu laxatives? "

The nanny was so frightened that she was about to cry, so she had no choice but to keep explaining.

(End of this chapter)

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