Chapter 596

The nanny has been taking care of Niuniu by Su Zhaoxue's side for almost three months, and she has never made any mistakes. Su Zhaoxue naturally understands this in her heart, and she also knows that it cannot be done by the nanny.

"It's nothing to do with you, I know it very well." Su Zhaoxue comforted the nanny.

Then I looked at Mr. Gu: "Grandpa, I will call you Grandpa, and Niu Niu will call you Grandpa. I don't care if you don't feel sorry for me, but Niu Niu is a descendant of the Qin family, and she is such a young child." , you don’t feel sorry for her, I feel very uncomfortable, you know? Song is still your granddaughter, that’s right, you can favor her, and I have nothing to say. I have no evidence that Niuniu’s laxative is Song Still under the same roof, but I know what the nanny looks like next to me. You don’t have to believe what I say, but you want me to promise you that Niuniu will continue to live under the same roof as Song Yiran. I’m sorry, I Can't do it."

Su Zhaoxue was really very, very angry, so angry that her internal organs were smoking.

After speaking, she hugged Niuniu and turned around to leave.

I just didn't want to forget that the old man was still pulling her sleeve because of being too angry, and when I turned around, I pulled her forward and brought the old man out of the wheelchair.


Song Yiran called out quickly, then stepped forward and pushed Su Zhaoxue hard.

Su Zhaoxue didn't pay attention and fell backwards!
Fortunately, Niuniu was protected by her in her arms. When Su Zhaoxue fell down, Niuniu was not hurt.

"Miss Su, are you okay?"

All the servants around went to help the old man, only Niuniu's nanny ran over to support Su Zhaoxue, and slowly helped her up from the ground.

When Su Zhaoxue slowly stood up, Song Yiran started to cry: "Grandpa, grandpa."

While crying and shouting, she pointed at Su Zhaoxue as if she was very angry: "You are a bad woman, a bad woman, you bully grandpa."

Su Zhaoxue really didn't want to talk to her, so she looked at the old man who was being helped into a wheelchair beside her, and then asked worriedly: "Grandpa, are you okay, I didn't pay attention just now, I'm sorry."

The old man leaned on the wheelchair, looked at Su Zhaoxue weakly and smiled, "I'm fine, I know you made a mistake, but I'm not in good shape, and I don't know how long I can live, hey."

"You live a long life, don't say such depressing words." Su Zhaoxue was really sorry for the old man in her heart, and kept scolding herself for being so impulsive.

"My own body, I understand it myself." Mr. Gu smiled, as if pretending to be calm, and then stretched out his hand: "Come on, Niuniu, let me hug you, okay, I haven't hugged this little guy for several days , it's a strange thought in my heart."

Su Zhaoxue hesitated for a moment, glanced at Song Yiran who was still beside the old man, and didn't dare to pass Niuniu over.

"Yiran, go get grandpa a glass of water, okay?"

The old man naturally knew Su Zhaoxue's concerns, and he wanted to send Song Yiran away.

"it is good."

Song still obediently agreed, and quickly got up and left.

That's when Su Zhaoxue stepped forward and carefully gave Niuniu to the old man.

The old man accepted Niuniu, he was full of joy, his face was grinning from ear to ear, and the expression he looked at Niuniu was full of pampering and love.

(End of this chapter)

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