After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 597 Gu Ping Came Out

Chapter 597 Gu Ping Came Out

Su Zhaoxue couldn't bear to look at Mr. Gu like this!
But if Niuniu is not taken away, Su Zhaoxue really doesn't know what will happen to Niuniu next time!

Song Yiran went to pour water and soon came back. When Su Zhaoxue saw her, she was startled, and hurriedly bent down and reached out to hug Niuniu back: "Grandpa, give it to me, Niuniu."

Mr. Gu still wanted to hug Niuniu, so he deliberately protected Niuniu.

Seeing that Song Yiran was about to come over, Su Zhaoxue was anxious and wanted to hug Niu Niu quickly.

But he didn't know why Song Yiran ran over suddenly, pushed Su Zhaoxue away, and threw the cup in his hand at Su Zhaoxue.

Fortunately, Su Zhaoxue dodged in time, so that the cup didn't hit her face head-on.

At that time, not only Su Zhaoxue, but even Mr. Gu was startled. He couldn't help but yelled Song Yiran: "Yiran, what are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Song Yiran was indeed crazy, otherwise why would she hit Su Zhaoxue with a water glass, and the old man yelled at her after she finished hitting Su Zhaoxue, and even burst into tears.

Like a child, crying heart-piercingly, as if he was wronged.

Su Zhaoxue was so bored, she went to pick up Niuniu from old man Gu: "Grandpa, you saw it too, I really can't get along well with her."

As he said that, he planned to leave with Niuniu in his arms!

At this time, Mr. Gu was probably really anxious, and stopped Su Zhaoxue: "Zhaoxue, you are at home, I will send her out."

I don't know if the old man really cared about her and Niu Niu, or if he thought Song Yiran was hopeless, so he asked someone to pack up and send Song Yiran away that day.

Su Zhaoxue originally went out to avoid Song Yiran, since she left, there was no need to move away.

Qin Zexi came back that day, seeing that Niuniu and Su Zhaoxue were fine, he finally felt relieved.

It's just that it's inevitable that I have some opinions on Mr. Gu, but because the old man is an elder after all, he endured it.

However, he still made it clear to Mr. Gu that if Song Yiran came back again, he and Su Zhaoxue would move out immediately.

After all, the personal safety of Niuniu and Su Zhaoxue is a major issue!

Although Mr. Gu was helpless, he agreed with all his heart!
Life seemed to be calm again. According to Mr. Gu, Song Yiran was arranged by him to live in a community not too far from Gu's house. The old man often visited her, but Song still seemed to be afraid of living alone. Servant, every time the old man came back, he would cry a lot.

The old man was also distressed, and thought about not forgetting it, but he was worried, so a month passed like this.

Because Gu Ping's condition became more and more serious, she was allowed to be released on medical parole, and later she was allowed to live in Song Yiran's current house.

Just come out, it has nothing to do with Su Zhaoxue, as long as they don't go back home.

Who knew that she would never want to, but after Su Zhaoxue went out to play with Hu Qianya for a day and came back, she found that Gu Ping and Song Yiran were actually in the living room. Of course, Mr. Gu was also there, and the three of them seemed to be talking. Her eyes were red, and her face was stained with tears.

Mr. Gu kept his face sullen and did not speak!
When Su Zhaoxue carried Niuniu into the house, Gu Ping suddenly glared at her.

Su Zhaoxue was startled, and subconsciously protected Niuniu!
(End of this chapter)

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