Chapter 599
Just after walking a few steps, I heard Gu Ping's voice from behind: "Su Zhaoxue, are you guilty? Besides you and Qin Zexi, who else could be there? I have no proof, and Xia Si'en didn't name the specific person. Come on, but isn't it obvious?"

"What a coincidence, something happened and Xia Sien was able to come to the door and catch Yiran directly?"

"Besides you and your wife, who else would dislike Yiran so much and try to put her to death. If something happens to Yiran, you can take over the Gu family's property openly, can't you?"

Regardless of talking about her, even Qin Zexi brought a framed case together, Su Zhaoxue really couldn't help it, looked back at Gu Ping, and chuckled: "The Gu family's property? Song Yiran? Her surname is Song, the Gu family's property Has a half-money relationship with her? So what if it's your daughter? You are no longer a member of the Gu family, so what does it have to do with you? "

"You keep saying that Qin Zexi and I caused Song Yiran to be like this? Then, have you ever thought that if Song Yiran hadn't harmed Xia Si'en back then, would Xia Si'en have made her like this?"

"Gu Ping, you are getting old. Before you speak, you should weigh it carefully in your heart. Don't think that if you pretend to be pitiful and wronged, everyone will favor you. If you want to accuse us, please show evidence. Everyone is Adults, don't play those mentally retarded tricks that children do, OK?"

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she didn't stay any longer this time, but went upstairs directly, and when she went upstairs, she heard Gu Ping's cry: "Dad, you have to make the decision for Yiran, they made Yiran like this, Even if I die in the future, I can't rest in peace."

Su Zhaoxue didn't know how Mr. Gu reacted, but by the time Qin Zexi came back, the mother and daughter had already left.

When Su Zhaoxue went downstairs, she happened to hear the conversation between Qin Zexi and Mr. Gu.

"Grandpa, why did you let Song Yiran come again?" Qin Zexi's voice contained a faint sense of helplessness and displeasure, but it was suppressed because he considered that the person he was talking to was Mr. Gu.

"Xiao Ping said she wanted to come and see me and take some things. After she came out, she had nothing, and she was not used to the things outside. I thought she had a lot of things here, so I let them in. How could I have known that she would cry at me as soon as she came in, and even had a conflict with Zhaoxue, if I knew I shouldn't have let them in."

It can be heard that Mr. Gu is apologetic.

Qin Zexi also seemed to be helpless, and after pondering for a while, he finally said: "Grandpa, I really don't want to see this situation again. Last time I insisted on moving away, but it was Zhaoxue who was kind and afraid of you alone." What happened to someone at home, that’s why you persuaded me to stay. You don’t know. When she called me just now, her voice was trembling. Niu Niu has already been out once. It’s a matter. Zhao Xue is afraid, and I am also afraid , I hope you can distinguish between black and white in the future, and stop letting that mother and daughter come."

"Gu Ping and Song Yiran have all the things. I'll ask someone to pack them up later and bring them over. If they still use this reason to come over next time, then don't blame me for not remembering the past."

Qin Zexi really packed all the things of Gu Ping and Song Yiran that day, and sent them over!

And Mr. Gu didn't say a word the whole time!

(End of this chapter)

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