After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 600 Ou Ruting Finds Her

Chapter 600 Ou Ruting Finds Her
After another half a month passed, Zai Zai was already half a year old!

That day, Su Zhaoxue and Hu Xianya made an appointment to have dinner together, Hu Xianya called Hu Yu to apologize, Su Zhaoxue called Yu Guo, and Qin Zexi couldn't come because of something, so he asked someone to buy a long-life lock for him Su Zhaoxue brought it to the little boy.

After Yu Guo and Zhong Lian reconciled, they went back to Yu Guo's hometown together. Only then did Yu Guo know that Su Zhaoxue didn't sell the house back then, but paid a large sum of money for the house. Guo Guo's name was given to her parents.

However, Yu Guo's parents didn't dare to use the money, and since they couldn't get in touch with Yu Guo at that time, the two elders were worried that something would happen to Yu Guo, so they didn't dare to use it.

Later when Yu Guo went back, the two elders refused to ask for the money, so they gave it to Yu Guo.

Yu Guo took the money back to the capital and wanted to return it to Su Zhaoxue, but Su Zhaoxue refused.

Su Zhaoxue intended to give her the money, how could she get it back.

Su Zhaoxue went with Niuniu in her arms. At this time, Niuniu was already three months old, and she would laugh and talk.

This little girl, Niu Niu, usually has that kind of lively personality that doesn't stop for a moment. Now that she sees the little brat, it's even more incredible. She keeps smiling at the little brat and waving her fleshy arms to think... Want to pull the cub.

However, the little brat has that kind of very cold personality, Niuniu saw him smiling so happily, he just didn't even give Niuniu a perfunctory smile.

Seeing this scene, Su Zhaoxue couldn't help laughing: "Hey, Xuan'er, what do you think about the character of your little brat when he grows up? He looks so handsome, but he is still so indifferent. This is going to break the hearts of many girls."

"Don't tell me, the character of the brat is really like Han Jianfeng. My mother saw it, and I despise it. Don't want it. It's not good. It's not good at all if you insist on inheriting such a character. "

Hu Xianya was purely complaining, and when Han Jianfeng was mentioned, it was very natural.

Su Zhaoxue was worried about her at first, but she felt relieved seeing her like this.

At this time, Hu Yanqian was teasing Hu Qianya: "Come on, Xiao Yaya, I don't know you yet, I just like it or not."

"Hu Yanqian, you don't want to have a good meal, do you?" Hu Xianya rolled his eyes at him, and the eyes
Well, the "killing intent" is full!

Hu Yanqian made a surrender form: "Okay, I won't talk, just eat. It's so difficult to tell the truth these days, hey, it's just too difficult."

Hu Xianya picked up a pack of tissue and threw it towards him: "You are saying something, do you believe that I stuffed this in your mouth?"

Hu Yanqian expressed fear, and turned to Su Zhaoxue for help: "Sister Zhaoxue, you see she bullies me every time."

Su Zhaoxue has met Hu Yanqian several times, and every time they are together, they are basically in this state. Su Zhaoxue only knows that Hu Xianqian is from Hu Xianya's company. When Hu Xianya didn't take over the company, he was the one who managed it. It's hard for Su Zhaoxue to imagine that he manages such a large company all by himself, just seeing that his ruffian doesn't look upright.

But every time the two teased each other, Su Zhaoxue felt very friendly and envious, so she smiled and said to Hu Qianya: "Okay, you bully others every time, you are still a leader Woolen cloth."

(End of this chapter)

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