After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 601 Ou Ruting is here

Chapter 601 Ou Ruting is here
Unexpectedly, Hu Qianya snorted disdainfully: "Zhaoxue, don't be fooled by him, he is a thousand-year-old fox, a fox over 1000 years old, he is not ashamed to call him sister."

"I am willing, can you control it? My sister Zhaoxue doesn't mind, hum." Hu Yanqian immediately took the conversation.

"I think you haven't been on the house for three days, have you?"

Hu Xianya got up and was ready to go!

"Okay." Su Zhaoxue quickly pulled her back: "You see, the brat is going to laugh at you later."

But as soon as the words fell, Niuniu started to cry.

Hu Qianya and Su Zhaoxue were sitting together, Su Zhaoxue hugged Niuniu, Hu Xianya hugged the little boy, Niuniu always liked the little boy, she not only smiled at them, but also held their little hands. Regardless of the reservedness of being a girl.

It's just that when Hu Xianya got up just now, she hugged the little boy, and naturally Niuniu couldn't hold the little boy's hand, so of course she started crying.

While crying, he rushed forward, as if he wanted to pull the cub!

Looking at the little brat on the side, in Hu Xianya's arms, watching Niuniu cry, he actually laughed.

"You little guy, you have the nerve to laugh when your wife is crying." Seeing this, Hu Qianya patted the little boy lightly, sat down quickly, and then lowered her head to coax Niu Niu: "Okay, Alright, good daughter-in-law, come on, let me hold the little boy's little hand, don't cry, it's not pretty if you cry."

Niu Niu, who was still crying when she got the boy's hand, immediately laughed, with tears in the corners of her eyes that didn't have time to fall.

Su Zhaoxue:
What's the matter, have you started to become a little fan girl at such a young age?
Isn't Niu Niu going to be eaten to death by this brat in the future?

Later, Niuniu stopped crying, and it happened that the food was ready, and the group began to eat.

Just halfway through eating, three people suddenly entered the box!
Qin Zexi in a suit followed Zhong Lian, and Han Jianfeng at the end!
When Zhong Lian saw Yu Guo, he sat down next to her, and he didn't forget to give Hu Xianya what he bought for the brat!

Qin Zexi naturally chose the seat next to Su Zhaoxue. The nanny was sitting next to her. When the nanny saw Qin Zexi coming, she had already vacated the seat in advance and arranged a new set of tableware.

There was no one on the other side of Hu Xianya, so Han Jianfeng naturally walked over and sat next to her.

As soon as Han Jianfeng sat down, he took the little boy.

Although Hu Xianya didn't say anything, nor refused, but her expression was definitely very bad.

Han Jianfeng took the little boy and just teased him, seeing that Niuniu was about to cry again, Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to quickly stuff Niuniu to Hu Xianya.

In this way, Niuniu can look at the little boy without crying!

Su Zhaoxue gave Qin Zexi a sideways glance, then asked him quietly: "What are you doing, why did you bring Han Jianfeng here?"

Qin Zexi expressed helplessness: "It's not me, I just met at the door when I came here."

At this time, Hu Yanqian, who was sitting far away across from Hu Xianya, looked at the scene of her sitting with Han Jianfeng, but couldn't help but secretly smiled.

It seems that this message is worth sending, he just likes to see Xiao Yaya's awkward and sympathetic look, but she can't bear to push her away!
(End of this chapter)

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