After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 6 Su Cheng Calls

Chapter 6 Su Cheng Calls
Just like now, she has no life left, the hospital can't pay the money, and even the assistant Yu Guo has to go hungry with her.

After pondering for a while, I had no choice but to ask, "Which director did the movie I rejected earlier?"

"Director Li." Yu Guo quickly continued: "Sister Xue, don't you want to pick it up again?"

"if not?"

Yu Guo became anxious all of a sudden: "Sister Xue, that character is a white lotus. It looks like it was given to you by Su Zhen on purpose. I remember that Director Li was looking for another artist from our company. No, the role just fits her image, so she ran to you for some reason, and Su Zhen rejected all your recent invitations, which forced you to accept that drama. You were not very Are you clear, that’s why you pushed it.”

Su Zhaoxue chuckled, could she not know, Su Zhen has been tripping her up for the past two years, just not wanting to make her feel better.

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Zhen signed her into Hongcheng to help her, and desperately arranged many roles for her, also to help her.

But who knows, those characters are all thankless, and they don't even benefit her at all.If she hadn't been careful in the past two years, sometimes she would pay attention to the selection of some roles, and try to get some back by herself, I'm afraid she is still a walk-on now.

Su Zhen just doesn't want to make her feel better, so let's wait and see who can have the last laugh.

"Okay, don't complain, go get in touch with me." Su Zhaoxue couldn't help laughing at Yu Guo's angry look.

Regardless of whether Su Zhen gave her the play on purpose or not, the most important thing now is that she needs this play, she has to pay her mother's medical bills, and she can't let Yu Guo go hungry with her.

On the second night of the banquet, Su Cheng called her. At that time, Su Zhaoxue was sorting out the things for the crew.

After going back last night, Yu Guo called Director Li, and Director Li readily agreed, saying that Su Zhaoxue would just bring her things into the group.

Su Zhaoxue was not too surprised, this role was originally prepared for her by Su Zhen, and it is not unusual for Director Li to agree.

But this phone call from Su Cheng is very strange!
"Zhaoxue, let's go home and have dinner."

It has been two years since Su Zhaoxue returned to China. This is the first time Su Cheng called her on his own initiative.

And let her go home for dinner.

Su Zhaoxue just felt ironic, and couldn't help but want to laugh: "President Su, that's your home, not mine, just forget about eating, just tell me, what do you want from me?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Su Zhaoxue waited for a few seconds and lost her patience: "Since you don't say anything, then hang up."

"Hey, Zhaoxue." Su Cheng was anxious.

Su Zhaoxue waited for him to continue.

"I just want to ask you to help Dad with one thing." Su Cheng's voice was clearly pleading.

"I even used the begging, Mr. Su, should I say I'm flattered." Su Zhaoxue's words were full of sarcasm, and even the tone of her voice became sharper unconsciously.

"Zhaoxue, don't talk to Dad like that. It was true that you did something wrong in the past. I was angry when I said I wanted to drive you away. And it was such a big deal. I won't send you out of the country. How did you let Xiao Zhen survive at that time, she almost committed suicide because of this incident."

(End of this chapter)

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