After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 7 Su Cheng Calls

Chapter 7 Su Cheng Calls
Listening to Su Cheng's words, Su Zhaoxue couldn't help laughing.

"If she doesn't have to commit suicide, how can she completely drive me out."

"Xiao Zhen never thought of kicking you out. She always treated you like her own sister. After I sent you out, she begged me many times to bring you back. "

Su Cheng spoke quickly and wanted to explain for Su Zhen.

Su Zhaoxue's voice sank: "Sister? Don't use this word to insult me. If I could do it once, even if I died at your door, I wouldn't have set foot in your Su's house."

"Zhaoxue, whether you admit it or not, there is no way to change the fact that I am your father."

When did Su Cheng behave so lowly? Su Zhaoxue's harsh and sarcastic remarks made him angry.

"You said that you are not from the Su family, but you have my blood on your body. You have stayed in the Su family for more than ten years, and I have raised you for more than ten years. Even the money you made when you went abroad was paid by me. of."

"Give back your mother who was lying on the hospital bed. You didn't count how much money she took from me in your name back then."

"Even if you're not doing it for me or for the Su family, you still have to think about grandpa. The Su family was founded by grandpa. If grandpa is still alive, he certainly won't bear to have it destroyed."

"Grandpa." Su Zhaoxue murmured.

When Su Zhaoxue was first born, Su Cheng did not recognize her as a daughter.

Su Zhaoxue stayed with her mother Mei Hong for two years. Because of her gambling habit, Mei Hong lost a large amount of hush money that Su Cheng gave her at the beginning. , put on a single shirt for Su Zhaoxue, and made her kneel at the door of Su's house.

The sub-zero temperature is unbearable even for an adult walking on the street wearing single clothes, let alone a two-year-old child.

Su Zhaoxue was frozen half to death. It was her grandfather who carried her into the house and called for a doctor when she came back from the company, and saved her life.

Grandpa gave Mei Hong a very large sum of money to let her leave Su Zhaoxue, and Su Zhaoxue lived in the Su family.

Grandpa is very kind to Su Zhaoxue, and she has to prepare a copy of everything Su Zhen has.

It was also because of her grandfather's protection that she was not helpless and lonely in the Su family in those years.

But later, because of that incident, my grandfather was hit too hard, and he fell ill, and passed away in the early spring of the second year.

"Zhaoxue, Grandpa's departure back then was also caused by you. Otherwise, with his healthy body, it would be impossible for him to leave at will. Don't you want to make it up to him?"

On Monday, the weather was surprisingly good, with a clear sky and a gentle breeze!
Su Zhaoxue woke up early, and when everything was ready, Yang Qian showed up at her door at eight o'clock on time.

"Miss Zhaoxue, President Su told me to give it to you." Yang Qian has been Su Cheng's assistant for many years, so he knows Su Zhaoxue's identity, and it is considered polite to meet her on weekdays.

"Thank you." Su Zhaoxue smiled and took the household registration book from Yang Qian.

"No trouble, this is my job, Mr. Su asked me to take you there?"


Su Zhaoxue didn't say anything more, why did Yang Qian send her to the Civil Affairs Bureau, even a fool can understand what it means!
(End of this chapter)

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