After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 621 Ready

Chapter 621 Ready
Su Zhaoxue was not surprised at all, and hurriedly said: "Are you older? It doesn't matter Grandpa, I think the style of that store suits you quite well. Why don't we take some time to go shopping together and get the clothes that fit you?" The number of yards back."

Mr. Gu seemed hesitant: "Is this appropriate?"

"What's wrong with that? I haven't gone shopping with you yet." Su Zhaoxue hurriedly smiled.

"Okay, okay, let's go together." Mr. Gu finally dispelled his worries and happily agreed.

In the evening, when Qin Zexi came back, Su Zhaoxue went to bathe Niuniu and put her to sleep, while he chatted with grandpa down there.

After putting Niuniu to sleep and handing it over to the nanny, Qin Zexi also came up.

As soon as he entered the door, he hugged Su Zhaoxue and lowered his head to kiss her.

"Oh, you didn't take a shower."

It's just that even though he said that, he was already smiling and hugging someone's neck.

Qin Zexi lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead: "Grandpa just told me that you bought him clothes?"

"Well, but I bought a big one, and I plan to change it with my grandpa."

Su Zhaoxue didn't intend to hide it from Qin Zexi at first, so she paused and continued, "Well, I actually bought the big one on purpose."

Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows, he didn't seem to be very surprised, and there was a slight smile on his face: "Well, why on purpose?"

"Aren't you angry?"

Seeing that Qin Zexi was still smiling, Su Zhaoxue was a little surprised!

If it was her, she would feel that this kind of behavior is simply playing tricks on the old man!
"You didn't tell me why, why should I be angry?"

"Well, I want Grandpa to see Song Yiran's true face clearly."

Su Zhaoxue curled her lips, feeling that she had no sense of mystery in front of Qin Zexi.

"Huh?" Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows, expressing that he wanted to hear the following.

Su Zhaoxue told Qin Zexi the plan that Hu Xianya told her!
"Are you sure it will work?" Qin Zexi seemed to have little faith in this plan!

"What if Song Yiran really goes crazy and hurts you and grandpa?"

Su Zhaoxue didn't know the success rate of the matter, but as long as she thought that Song Yiran and Gu Ping might come to disturb her life at any time, she would be filled with depression.

"Then you don't want to think about it. What if Song Yiran is really picked up by grandpa at that time? When I went out today, I ran into Gu Ping and grandpa meeting outside."

Su Zhaoxue was full of displeasure, and her tone was a little heavy and rushed when she spoke.

Qin Zexi looked down at Su Zhaoxue's aggrieved appearance, paused, and then said softly: "That's fine, I'll send some people to protect you in the dark, okay?"

In fact, Qin Zexi knew very well that it was still impossible for Song to look back at home, and it would not be long for Gu Ping to jump around!

It's just that these two people are like a thorn in Su Zhaoxue's heart, if she doesn't get rid of them with her own hands, she will never feel at ease.

So now the only thing he can do is to support her and try his best to protect her.

After a few days, after waiting for Hu Xianya to make arrangements, Su Zhaoxue took the old man out together.

It's not that I went straight to the mall as soon as I went out. I went to a park with a good environment and walked around to see the scenery. The old man was at home most of the time because of his inconvenient legs and feet, and he rarely went out, let alone Go for a walk in the park to see the scenery!
(End of this chapter)

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