After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 622 Exposing Song Yiran

Chapter 622 Exposing Song Yiran

Mr. Gu was in a good mood, smiling all the way, Su Zhaoxue didn't bring Niu Niu, mainly because he was afraid that something might happen, and if Niu Niu was around, she didn't know how to deal with it.

And her main task today is to accompany Mr. Gu, if Niuniu is around, she will inevitably be distracted.

She pushed old man Gu, and the nurse was holding things aside, taking care of old man by the way.

After coming out of the park, I went to a nearby tea house to drink morning tea for a while.

While drinking morning tea, the two chatted about Niu Niu. The old man didn't know whether it was intentional or not. Anyway, he meant that the Gu family had always had few descendants, so Su Zhaoxue and Qin Zexi should work harder. Niuniu gave birth to a younger sister or younger brother.

Su Zhaoxue didn't have any plans in this regard, just smiled, and for some reason suddenly thought of the child in Song Yiran's stomach, and glanced at the old man: "Grandpa, isn't Song Yiran pregnant? Are you planning to have that child?" child?"

Su Zhaoxue just wanted to test Old Master Gu, and wanted to know what was going on in his heart.

After all, the fault of an adult is not as bad as that of a child!
The old man was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that Su Zhaoxue would suddenly mention Song Yiran's child, he smiled unnaturally, and then said: "The child's surname is not Gu."

"If Song is still willing to let the child's surname be Gu, you still want it?"

The old man was silent for a while, as if he was also very tangled and worried, and soon smiled: "Why did you suddenly mention this, are you still coming to trouble you again?"

Su Zhaoxue shook her head, and said while looking at Old Master Gu: "No, I just feel that Song Yiran is stimulated now, and it is impossible for Gu Ping to stay with her all the time. If you can’t take care of it, how can you take care of a child.”

After finishing speaking, he paused for a moment: "Unless there are some men who were willing to come forward and say that they are willing to take care of Song Yiran and raise their children."

"How is it possible? Those men are inferior to beasts. You can't give them the child and still." Mr. Gu was very excited and directly refuted.

After finishing speaking, I realized that I seemed to have said something wrong. I looked at Su Zhaoxue, sighed, and then said: "Zhaoxue, Grandpa knows what you are worried about. Don't worry, Grandpa has a reputation in his heart. Even if you do Many things were wrong, but it would not be a death sentence. It can only be blamed on her mother who instilled too many incorrect ideas in her before, which made her narrow-minded and unable to tolerate others. Still, I will not let She looked back at home, and as for the child you mentioned, I won't want it either, at worst, I'll send it to a good family to be raised by then."

Su Zhaoxue didn't know how true what Old Master Gu said, and she didn't know how Mr. Gu would react if Song Yiran and Gu Ping really begged Mr. Gu at that time!
But the most important thing now is to let Mr. Gu know that Song is still playing dumb!

Let the old man know this, even if Gu Ping and Song still kneel down to beg the old man in the future, it may not be successful!

The reason why Mr. Gu can still talk to Gu Ping and Song Yiran regardless of the previous suspicions is because of the love they have brought up over the years!
But the mother and daughter are still dogs who can't change and eat shit, they have no conscience at all!

(End of this chapter)

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