After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 623 Chapter 623 Exposing Song Yiran

Chapter 623 Chapter 620 Chapter [-] Exposing Song Yiran

Su Zhaoxue ended the topic consciously, and it was already an hour after she finished her morning tea with the old man.

It just so happened that a movie came out recently, which was quite suitable for the old man's age to watch, so Su Zhaoxue took the old man to watch the movie again!

The old man was very satisfied, and the unhappiness during the morning tea just now seems to have disappeared!
Then it was lunch, after lunch, I called the driver, and then I went straight to the mall!

Hu Xianya made an appointment with Song Yiran through an anonymous message yesterday!

The content of the message is: "I know who is behind the kidnapping of you, and the evidence is with me! Come to the safe passage at the corner on the north side of the second floor of Beishan Shopping Center at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I will wait for you here. Don't tell anyone. Come alone, or I'll publish the photos."

When sending the message, I also sent a picture of her disheveled when she was bullied when she was kidnapped in the villa!
I don't know if Song Yiran will come, but Hu Xianya said that if Song Yiran is not stupid, according to Song Yiran's character, she will come after seeing the disheveled photo.

The shop where I buy clothes for the old man is on the north side of the second floor of the shopping mall. It just exits the store and there is a safe passage next to it. That is to say, as long as Su Zhaoxue pushes old man Gu out of the shop and walks a few steps forward, you will be able to see Song Yiran. !
Su Zhaoxue came to the shopping mall on purpose, just to choose a few suitable clothes for the old man with all her heart, and then change the big one into a suitable size. There will be some trouble, but fortunately, the old man is in a good mood, and he doesn't show any displeasure.

After picking out five or six sets of clothes and two pairs of shoes, when Su Zhaoxue went out to buy the bill, she happened to catch a glimpse of Song Yiran passing by the shop door wearing a mask.

She seems to be very careful, the clothes are also very loose sportswear, with her head down, she can't see her face at all, let alone her figure clearly!
If it wasn't for the scar on her side face that spread from the mask, and Su Zhaoxue knew that she might meet her here, perhaps even Su Zhaoxue would not have noticed that it was Song Yiran.

Su Zhaoxue paused, watching Song Yiran pass by the shop, and then hurried out, and then happened to see her figure flashing into the corner next to her!
Su Zhaoxue couldn't take care of so much, she hurried to pay the bill, and left the shop with the clothes she bought for Mr. Gu!
"Zhaoxue, we've been shopping all day, we should go back, Niuniu is at home alone, I'm really worried."

Mr. Gu was in a good mood, and as soon as he left the shop, he said to Su Zhaoxue with a smile.

While staring at the corner next to the shop, Su Zhaoxue responded, "Okay, Grandpa, let's go back now."

This time, Su Zhaoxue didn't dismiss the old man, but walked beside her with her things. The old man naturally noticed the look in her eyes!

"What's the matter, Zhaoxue, why are you always staring at that door?"

Su Zhaoxue actually let the old man see it on purpose, and when she heard his words, she didn't dodge but said generously, pretending to be uncertain: "When I just came out, I seemed to see Song Yiran going in from here, Grandpa, you also know her My mind is not very good, I am afraid that something will happen to her."

"Are you sure you read it right?" Mr. Gu was surprised when he heard Song Yiran's name.

(End of this chapter)

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