Chapter 627

"Is there anything you can't say well?"

"Dad, I really can't explain it properly. She's still gone. I've searched all the places I could go, but I can't find her." When Gu Ping faced the old man, she immediately changed into another pitiful picture. Sample.

As soon as Gu Ping mentioned Song Yiran, Mr. Gu's face darkened even more, and he was even a little displeased: "If it's gone, it's gone. There's nothing to make a fuss about. She's such a big person, and she can still lose herself." no?"

Gu Ping's words obviously caught Gu Ping by surprise, but when she saw Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue next to her, she thought that the old man was hindering their presence, so she said that on purpose, and hurriedly said : "Dad, she is still stimulated, her whole mind is not clear, I am really afraid that something will happen to her again, if something happens to her, I don't want to live anymore."

"I think she is very clear-headed. Don't cry here. It's a big deal. If you haven't come back, you can report missing persons. You come to me, and you let me, an old man, push a wheelchair out Find it for you?"

Mr. Gu still couldn't accept that Song Yiran lied to him, but the tone of his words was not very good!
"Dad, how can you do this? Are you really not going to care about Yiran? After all, she is also your granddaughter. Even if I did something wrong before, she is still innocent." Gu Ping didn't expect it at all. Seeing that Mr. Gu would have such an attitude, this time he really wanted to cry.

"Why didn't you take into account the fact that I was still my granddaughter when you gave me the booster medicine?" Mr. Gu said with a sullen face, with obvious anger in his tone.

These words immediately blocked Gu Ping's mouth. She looked at Mr. Gu with red eyes, and after a long time, she said again: "Dad, are you really going to leave Yian alone?"

After waiting for a while, there was no answer from Mr. Gu!

"Gu Ping, I don't think you look sick, or you should not be released on medical parole." Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows and suddenly spoke very calmly.

As soon as she came out, there were constant moths, so it's better to just lock her up!
"Shut up, Qin Zexi, don't make sarcastic remarks here. If it weren't for you, she would still be what she is now. Let me tell you, if there is something wrong with her, I will never end with you."

Gu Ping suddenly became angry, pointed at Qin Zexi and started yelling.

"Okay, you go out, I don't want to see you." At this time, Mr. Gu couldn't listen anymore.

"Dad." Gu Ping called out to Mr. Gu: "You ask Qin Zexi to give me the property of the Xu family that he bought back then, and I will go out."

For this matter, Gu Ping approached Mr. Gu once last time, that is, the time when Su Zhaoxue met her while eating out, but Mr. Gu didn't agree that time!

Since I didn't agree last time, it is definitely impossible to agree this time!

"I've made it clear a long time ago that I won't ask Zexi to do something impossible."

"Then I won't leave today. Anyway, I still don't know where I'm going now, and I don't know if it's safe or not. I have nothing to worry about by myself, so I just sit here and wait for death." I didn't expect Gu Ping to sit down directly On the chair beside him, he looked like he was sitting quietly and didn't intend to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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