Chapter 628

"Gu Ping." Mr. Gu didn't expect Gu Ping to be so shameless, and immediately roared angrily: "Have you learned all these years of knowledge and education for nothing? What you are doing now that you are a shameless rascal Learned everything?"

"Dad, can you blame me? You don't want me and Yiran anymore, and Yiran is in this delirious state again, what can I do? Xu Qinqi wants to deal with me and Yiran, but you know it and just ignore it. What is the family property of the Xu family to the Gu family? Why didn't you give it to me? Besides, I didn't know how many Xu families I earned for the Gu family. Mrs. Gu has worked hard for so many years, and now I am down and out, but I have been your daughter for so many years, are you really cruel to watch us being bullied?"

Gu Ping sat at the side, and finished speaking without blushing. She could say such words with such confidence, as if all the shady things she did before did not count.

The angry old man almost didn't give her a cane. He stared at Gu Ping and couldn't say anything: "Go, go, I don't want to see you."

Gu Ping still didn't change her face: "I won't leave. If I don't settle things today, I won't leave unless you carry my body out."

"Gu Ping, you have really worked hard for me these years in the Gu family." Qin Zexi spoke at this moment, with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

Gu Ping cast a disdainful glance at Qin Zexi: "You really don't want to say such sarcastic remarks. If it weren't for me, would the Gu family have developed so well these years? I knew that you would have picked up the ready-made ones. I should have let Gu bankrupt."

Gu Ping's self-righteous words made Qin Zexi really want to laugh: "Is the Gu family developing well? Would you like me to show you the financial statements? Half of the Gu family is at a loss, and they even have to sell the Gu family to Someone else, you are still here to say that the development is good?"

"There's no such thing as smooth sailing in business. Let's go and see which company didn't have a lot of debt before running a new project?" Gu Ping is still quibbling.

Qin Zexi chuckled, and asked back, "What about your new project? What new projects has Gu's finances fallen into such a sluggish state in the past six months?"

"Isn't the project in country M a new project?"

"Hehe, hasn't that project been pried away by the Little Fox Group long ago? Can it be regarded as Gu's project?"

"It was also Gu's project before, how much investment is required to run a project in the early stage, do you still use me to teach you?"

"I really need you to teach me how to make false accounts." Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi said suddenly.

"What do you mean? You mean I made false accounts?" Gu Ping suddenly patted the table and stood up, as if Qin Zexi had wronged her.

Mr. Gu finally couldn't stand it anymore, and opened his mouth in a very serious voice: "Gu Ping, don't take pictures of the table, Zexi showed me the account of that project, it is indeed problematic, but we don't want to pursue the past. Well, when I kicked you out before, I made it very clear that no matter what happens between you and Yiran, you have nothing to do with the Gu family. You have indeed contributed to the Gu family these years, but I was almost defeated by you."

(End of this chapter)

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