After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 633 Gu Ping Didn't Know Song Yiran Was Faking

Chapter 633 Gu Ping Didn't Know Song Yiran Was Faking

"Don't let it go, don't let it go, don't let it go."

Song Yiran tightened his grip a little, and he still didn't forget to whisper in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "If you want to get rid of me, there is no door, don't you want to get rid of the relationship? It's not what you want."

Xu Qinqi naturally heard Song Yiran's words, but at this moment, he couldn't say anything, just chuckled, and turned to his assistant and said, "Take her away."

The assistant walked over in a hurry, and then stretched out his hand to pull Song Yiran!

Song still wanted to get rid of him, he kept writhing, and he didn't forget to scream loudly: "Let me go, let me go, I want to be with Qin Qi, I want to be with him, don't touch me. Me, let me go."

The surrounding paparazzi looked at each other in blank dismay. They really believed Xu Qinqi's words before, thinking that he and Song Yiran had nothing to do with each other.

But now, it seems that things are not like this!
The assistant couldn't touch Song Yiran at all, and the screams almost burst the eardrums!

The assistant had no choice but to let go of his hand, and then said to Xu Qinqi: "Why don't you directly BJ."

Xu Qinqi responded dully!
The assistant was holding the phone and was about to dial out when Song Yiran suddenly stretched out his hand, screaming and knocked off the assistant's phone: "Go away, go away, bad guy, bad guy."

The assistant's phone was on the ground, and the screen was smashed to pieces.

"You lunatic." The assistant hurried to pick up the phone in distress.

Xu Qinqi glanced at the assistant's phone, then cast a cold glance at Song Yiran, raised the corner of his mouth, and suddenly said, "In that case, I'll make a trip myself and send her directly to the mental hospital. .”

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the three paparazzi outside: "Three, why don't you work hard and follow me? I don't want reports coming out tomorrow, saying that I kidnapped someone."

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone. It just so happens that the back of the car can be squeezed a little bit. I will thank you well then." The assistant also hurriedly said.

Everyone is a transparent person, so they naturally know what this thank you means!
The three paparazzi didn't hesitate anymore, they pulled the car door and planned to go up!

It's just that Song Yiran could not give them this chance. If these paparazzi came up, how could she settle accounts with Xu Qinqi later, stretching her legs and wanting to kick them so that they could not get in the car.

Unexpectedly, before she stretched her legs to go out, the assistant got into the car first under Xu Qinqi's eyes, and then sat next to Song Yiran, blocking her.

"You'd better not scream, or you will never be able to get out of the mental hospital." Xu Qinqi threatened in a low voice.

Song Yiran just opened his mouth, but suddenly closed it!

On the way, Xu Qinqi's phone rang, but he didn't answer it, instead he hung up and replied a text message!
Said to be sent to a psychiatric hospital, Xu Qinqi actually asked the driver to drive to the hospital, and Gu Ping rushed over as soon as she got out of the car, and grabbed her: "Yiran, Yiran, are you okay, are you okay."

Gu Ping's arrival caught Song Yiran a little off guard. He was stunned for a moment, and then he tilted his head and smiled foolishly: "Mom, why are you here?"

"Where did you go these few days, do you know, mom is going to die of anxiety." Gu Ping was really anxious, so anxious that her eyes turned red instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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