After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 634 Gu Ping Didn't Know Song Yiran Was Faking

Chapter 634 Gu Ping Didn't Know Song Yiran Was Faking

"Since you're here, let's take her away." Xu Qinqi got out of the car and stood aside, watching Song Yiran's non-stop acting, he really couldn't help feeling amused.

This is when Gu Ping reacted, and then looked at Xu Qinqi: "Xu Qinqi, why are you still here? I warn you, if you do anything to you, even if I risk my old life, I will definitely not let it go." over yours."

Xu Qinqi raised his eyebrows: "How do I know why she is here? She suddenly stopped in front of my car, not only broke my assistant's phone, but also dragged me and refused to leave."

Gu Ping paused, quickly pulled Song Yiran over, and then protected her, then said to Xu Qinqi: "Yiran is stimulated, his mind is always up and down, sometimes it may I don’t even know what I’m doing, so I’ll just pay you for the broken phone. Now that everyone’s fine, I’ll take Yiran and leave.”

As Gu Ping said, she pulled Song Yiran and wanted to leave quickly. She was afraid that Xu Qinqi would suddenly not let her take Song Yiran away.


But often times, I am really afraid of something!
Before she could take a step just now, Xu Qinqi called out to stop her.

Gu Ping was startled, and couldn't help pulling Song Yiran tightly.

Turning around and looking at Xu Qinqi pretending to be calm: "Is there anything else?"

"Song Yiran is pregnant with my child?" Unexpectedly, Xu Qinqi asked suddenly.

"Huh? What?"

Gu Ping was still in a daze, and didn't understand it for a while, but soon she understood it again, and then quickly shook her head: "The last hot search was all caused by Qin Zexi, and it has nothing to do with me."

Xu Qinqi said in a serious manner: "Please answer the question I asked."

Gu Ping felt a little angry, Xu Qinqi simply asked the question knowingly, and this matter was also a scar in Gu Ping's heart, suddenly asking this question was like adding salt to the scar.

But Gu Ping was so distressed that she couldn't say anything, and suppressed the anger in her heart: "No, it's still not your child."

I just couldn't hold back, and said it out: "Aren't you very clear about this, why do you ask this question? Are you making fun of us? You think we are down now, so you humiliate us?"

Xu Qinqi smiled: "No, I'm just afraid that you will be confused, so I want to remind you again. Don't you also say that Song Yiran was stimulated, so is his brain really good or bad? I just want to remind you so that she won't be confused in the future. My mind is not clear, and I ran to say that the child is mine, and I only have one mouth, so I must not be able to tell clearly."

"Hmph, Xu Qinqi, don't be complacent. You can't escape the child's affairs. Let me tell you, you'd better not touch Yiran, and don't try to excuse Xia Si'en. I'm a dying person, and I don't care. I'm not afraid of you, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken."

"Oh, I see. You mean to remind me that you didn't get Xu's property?"

Gu Ping's words were extremely threatening, but Xu Qinqi heard other meanings from her words.

Obviously not following the routine, Gu Ping was stunned, and then said: "You have made Yiran like this, and you still want Xu's family property, are you dreaming?"

"Hehe." Xu Qinqi chuckled very speechlessly: "Gu Ping, how can you learn such a shameless style so well?"

(End of this chapter)

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