After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 637 Gu Ping Didn't Know Song Yiran Was Faking

Chapter 637 Gu Ping Didn't Know Song Yiran Was Faking

Song Yiran pulled Gu Ping and kept talking non-stop, like a child acting coquettishly and making noise, Gu Ping felt helpless, distressed, and anxious!
It's not the first time that Song Yiran said that she doesn't want to stay here, she always thinks that the Gu family's side is her home, so she always quarrels with Gu Ping to take her back!
But what Song still didn't know was that there was no room for them in that family over there!

Song still doesn't know, she must know!
It is nothing more than to make Gu Ping anxious, and then try everything possible to bring her back home!
Because Song Yiran knew very well that Gu Ping's time outside was running out. Gu Ping felt sorry for her and wanted her to live a good life in the future.

This is also why, she is obviously not stupid or crazy, but she has to keep pretending in front of Gu Ping!
But she didn't expect that Gu Ping would think of asking her to find Uncle Han!
To Song Yiran, this was absolutely unacceptable!

"Yiran, that home is no longer our home." Gu Ping didn't know how to tell Song Yiran.

Now in Gu Ping's heart, Song Yiran is just like that three-year-old child, without the ability to think!
"What about our home?" Song still pretended to be stupid.

Gu Ping paused for a moment, and then said quietly: "We don't have a home anymore, we've already been homeless for a long time."

"You lie, you just don't want me to go to grandpa, I'm going to grandpa, I'm going to ask grandpa why we can't go home now."

Song Yiran suddenly stood up excitedly, and then quickly walked outside!

She couldn't let Gu Ping send her to Han Bo, so she had to fight for it herself now!
"Yiran." Gu Ping didn't expect Song Yiran to rush out suddenly, so she hurriedly stood up and followed her out.

It's just that Song Yiran's actions were caught off guard. After Gu Ping followed him out, Song Yiran had already taken the elevator down!
Until Yihuo, Song Yiran got off the elevator and stood at the elevator entrance for a while, watching the other elevator stopped for a while on their floor, and then quickly got down again, knowing that Gu Ping came out with her up.

Raising the corners of his mouth, Song Yiran turned around when he saw the number '1' appear on the elevator display, and when he walked to the door, Gu Ping's voice calling her came from behind as expected.

Song Yiran did not stop, but hurriedly ran outside.

"Still." Behind her was still Gu Ping's voice hurriedly calling her!
Song still ignored her, but quickened his pace!
Fortunately, the neighborhood is not too far from the Gu family, Song still quickened his pace and kept walking in front, the purpose is to take Gu Ping to the Gu family.

After walking like this for about 5 minutes, I finally reached the road opposite the entrance of the Gu family's mansion.

The road in front of the Gu family's mansion is not the main road, so there are very few cars in general.

Song Yiran crossed the road and wanted to go directly to the door of the Gu family's mansion, but he didn't want to turn his head and suddenly saw a van parked not far from the road.

That van was exactly the same as the van that kidnapped her at the gate of Gu's mansion!
Song still didn't know why, but there was a sudden whirlwind, a chill all over his body, and his whole body couldn't stop trembling!
(End of this chapter)

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