After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 638 A Car Accident

Chapter 638 A Car Accident
The scene of being kidnapped back then was like a movie, replaying in her mind non-stop.

Song Yiran was suddenly a little scared, but he still wanted to suppress this fear and move forward, but just as he took a step, he found that his legs were so weak that he had no strength at all!
Song Yiran finally couldn't hold it anymore, and squatted down with his hands folded around his chest.

Gu Ping followed behind her, trotting all the way over.She was getting older, and her legs were not as long as Song Yiran's, so she was panting all the way along. After finally waiting to catch up, she found Song Yiran squatting in the middle of the road.

"Yiran, get up quickly." Gu Ping shouted behind her in shock, and at the same time quickened her pace and walked towards Song Yiran.

It's just that Song Yiran could not hear Gu Ping's voice at this time, her mind was full of confusion, and a sense of fear swept her whole body.

If something like that happened, how could it be possible for her to have no shadow.

In the first few days after being rescued, she was really irritated. She couldn't sleep all night and night, afraid of contacting people, and even more afraid of others whispering behind her back.

But that kind of fear, that kind of helplessness, she couldn't find anyone to talk about, she had to bury all these emotions in her heart, and then slowly digest them.

In just over a month, she seemed to have fallen from heaven to hell, she hated, she was in pain, she was wronged!
So she kept telling herself that she must be brave, she must be strong, and she must make her heart stronger, so that she can have the opportunity to seek revenge on those who made her suffer.

Originally, she thought that she didn't care anymore after she came out, but now it seems that she is still too fragile, and she has no way to forget it at all.

A large commercial vehicle turned quietly from another road next to it. The speed was very fast, and Song Yiran, who was squatting on the ground, did not seem to slow down at all.

Seeing the commercial vehicle getting closer and closer, Gu Ping couldn't care less, shouted desperately, and then ran towards Song Yiran.

Song Yiran could vaguely hear Gu Ping's loud and terrified screams from behind him: "Yiran, get up quickly, the car is coming, the car is coming, get up quickly."

Song Yiran finally had a little reaction. She subconsciously wanted to turn her head to look at Gu Ping, but she didn't want a car to appear in front of her unexpectedly.

Her mind was blank, and she didn't even know that she should get up and run away quickly.

He could only watch helplessly as the car got closer and closer to him.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent push from behind her, and then she was pushed and fell to the ground, then rolled to the side.

Before she could react, there was a loud braking sound of the car, and then a loud collision sound.

Song Yiran quickly raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice.

The commercial vehicle blocked her view, but the smear of blood on the front of the vehicle made her heart stop for a while.


Song still came to his senses, quickly got up from the ground, and then walked towards the commercial vehicle.

"What to do, what to do." The driver, who was flushed and smelled of alcohol, stood in front of the car and panicked in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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