After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 639 A Car Accident

Chapter 639 A Car Accident
Song Yiran approached and saw that Gu Ping was lying in a pool of paralyzed blood. She was covered in blood, and she seemed to be asleep with her eyes closed.

Song Yiran's pupils dilated in an instant, and he walked over quickly in disbelief, then squatted down, and hugged Gu Ping: "Mom, how are you? Mom, don't scare me."

After shouting several times, Gu Ping seemed to be conscious, and slowly opened her eyes, perhaps because she hurt her head, so when she first opened her eyes, they were still a little blurry, and she waited until she saw Song Yiran clearly. It was a smile, seemingly weak: "Yiran, are you okay?"

Song still had red eyes, and shook his head: "I'm fine, Mom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, if it wasn't for me..."

Song Yiran almost cried, feeling extremely regretful in her heart, why did she stubbornly bring Gu Ping to the Gu family, and why did she come at this time.

"It's okay, I still don't cry, mom is okay." Gu Ping comforted Song Yiran, and even wanted to raise her hand to caress her gently.

It's just that before she raised it up, she was already hanging down powerlessly. She could only look at Song Yiran with a soft smile: "Mom, I have no strength, and I still don't cry. You can call an ambulance for Mom."

Hearing Gu Ping's words, Song Yiran seemed to have reacted, but when she was out of the house, she forgot to bring her phone because she was too anxious.

"Mom, where's your phone?"

Song still hurriedly wanted to find out Gu Ping's phone number.

It's just that after searching for a long time, I couldn't find it. There was no one around. Even the driver of the commercial vehicle fled in a hurry because he was too scared.

Feeling that Gu Ping was getting weaker and weaker, Song Yiran suddenly became anxious, looked left and right, had no choice but to quickly put Gu Ping on the ground, then ran across the road to ring the doorbell of Gu's mansion.

"Master, Miss Song Yiran, you are outside the door."

The mansion is some distance away from the road, so things on the road cannot be known so clearly inside the mansion.

When the servant went to report to Mr. Gu, it happened that Su Zhaoxue was hugging Niuniu. The old man was afraid that Su Zhaoxue would have some opinions, so he didn't even hesitate: "Just say I don't want to see her, let her go."

After finishing speaking, she paused again: "Find someone to take her back, so as not to cause any problems on the way, Gu Ping will make a big fuss then."

"Okay." The servant replied, and hurried out.

Song still waited anxiously at the door, seeing the door opened, she was very happy to go in, but she didn't want the servant to stop her: "Miss Song, the master said he didn't want to see you, so you better not go in Alright, let me take you back."

Song Yiran was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I'm not looking for the old man, I just go in and make a phone call."

Because I was in a hurry, I had to squeeze inside after I finished speaking.

How could the servant let her in, thinking she was just making an excuse, so he pushed her: "Miss Song, please don't do this, the master has made it very clear that he doesn't want to see you, I think You'd better go back obediently."

Song Yiran originally wanted to explain that it was because her mother had a car accident, and she really just wanted to go in and make a phone call.

But when he thought of the old man's words and the indifferent servant, Song Yiran suddenly felt full of disappointment and anger.

"I don't need you to send it." After speaking, he turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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