After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 640 A Car Accident

Chapter 640 A Car Accident
Fortunately, as soon as he got to the side of the road, he bumped into a taxi, and Song Yiran quickly stopped him. The driver was a good man, and he got out of the car to help Gu Ping get into the car, and reported to J by the way.

Waiting for the servant to see Gu Ping, covered in blood, being carried into the car, this is the belated realization that Song still really has something to do.

He hurriedly entered the house again, and told Mr. Gu the situation outside. This time, the old man did not hesitate, as if he was frightened: "Go and check quickly to see which hospital they went to."

When Gu Ping was sent to the hospital, she was already unconscious!

While still being rescued, Su Zhaoxue rushed to the hospital with Mr. Gu!
When she appeared at the door of the emergency room, she only saw Song Yiran sitting on a chair outside covered in blood all by herself, with her waist curled up and her hands covering her face, her whole body seemed to be shaking!

Even Su Zhaoxue felt distressed when she saw it, let alone Mr. Gu!

"Yiran, still." When Mr. Gu called Song Yiran, his voice was trembling, and the distress was self-evident!
After shouting several times, Song Yiran seemed to be conscious, and slowly raised his head. When he first saw Mr. Gu, there was still a look of surprise in his eyes, but when she saw Su Zhaoxue next to Mr. Gu, The look of surprise has faded away, and a trace of disgust flashed instead.

"Grandpa." Song Yiran reacted quickly, ran towards Mr. Gu crying, and then threw himself into Mr. Gu's arms, and then began to cry.

The reason why Song Yiran did this was, on the one hand, to show Mr. Gu a show, and on the other hand, she was indeed frightened, and she just wanted to go to Mr. Gu's arms for comfort.

"Yiran, be good, don't cry yet, grandpa is here." Mr. Gu gently stroked Song Yiran's head, comforting her compassionately.

"Mom, my mother shed a lot of blood, I'm afraid, grandpa, I'm afraid." Song was still sobbing, as if he was really frightened, hiding in the arms of old man Gu, trembling all the time.

Mr. Gu's whole face was heavy, he glanced at the operating room where the lights were still on, and sighed silently: "I'm still not afraid, grandpa is here, I'm still not afraid."

Song Yiran nodded obediently and didn't cry anymore, but he leaned against Mr. Gu's arms and refused to come out.

Old Master Gu didn't force it either, Su Zhaoxue didn't speak, but frowned, looking at Song Yiran, she felt that something was a little strange.

After waiting for almost an hour, the lights in the operating room were turned off, and Gu Ping was pushed out after waiting for a while. She was still in a coma. The doctor said that the condition was not good because of excessive bleeding and severe brain injury. Too optimistic!
But there is still hope of waking up, but the hope is not great!

After pushing Gu Ping back to the ward, Song Yiran stayed in front of Gu Ping's bed, just stared blankly at Gu Ping and didn't speak.

Later, Qin Zexi came and made arrangements. Considering Song Yiran's situation, he hired two nurses to take care of Gu Ping, but Song Yiran became a problem!
Because she didn't allow Mr. Gu to leave the hospital!

"Grandpa, I'm afraid. Can you stay with Yiran? I promise you will be good." Song Yiran said pitifully, pulling Mr. Gu.

(End of this chapter)

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