After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 641 A Car Accident

Chapter 641 A Car Accident
Seeing Song still like that, Mr. Gu couldn't bear it, so he hesitated for a while, and was about to discuss it with Qin Zexi, but was interrupted by Qin Zexi directly.

"Grandpa, I still say the same thing. If you take her back, I will take Zhaoxue out to live. It will be good for us all."

Mr. Gu's words were choked in his throat, and he didn't say anything for a long time. After a long time, he whispered: "Isn't this a special situation now? She still doesn't have the ability to live independently. I left her alone." I don't feel relieved when people are outside."

"Grandpa, you are so healed that your scars have forgotten the pain. Who made you lie in the hospital for so long? They are no longer members of the Gu family. Why do you still look like this? Are they dead or alive? What does it have to do with you? Have you forgotten that my mother, your biological daughter, was killed by Gu Ping? Your great-granddaughter almost died at the hands of Song Yiran, why don't you think about these things What do you think?" Qin Zexi seemed a little angry.

But Qin Zexi couldn't be blamed for getting angry. Gu Ping and Song were still entangled again and again, and the old man couldn't figure out the situation again and again, which really made people crazy.Obviously the mother and daughter made so many mistakes, and obviously Gu Ping and Song should still be punished, but they still messed up their lives.

"Isn't this a special situation?" Mr. Gu knew he was wrong, and he didn't have much confidence when he spoke.

Qin Zexi was angry and helpless: "Forget it, I will ask someone to take care of Song Yiran, but Grandpa, I think I need to tell you that this is the last time, if there is a next time, I will not soften my heart, nor will I I will continue to look at your favor, and I will drive them out of the capital directly, and I will do what I say."

Although Mr. Gu still felt uneasy, this was the only way, so he had no choice but to agree!

After the matter was settled, Qin Zexi left the hospital with Mr. Gu and Su Zhaoxue.

Originally, Mr. Gu wanted Song Yiran to go home first, but Song Yiran said with tears in his eyes that she wanted to accompany Gu Ping. In the end, he had no choice but to leave Song Yiran in the hospital.

It's just that if you stay here, something will happen!
In the middle of the night, the hospital called. Gu Ping was critically ill, but Song was still mad in the hospital!
Because it was midnight, so I didn't tell the old man.

The hospital that Su Zhaoxue and Qin Zexi went to together!
On the way, Su Zhaoxue still couldn't help expressing the doubts in her heart: "I always feel that this matter is strange, do you think Song Yiran did it on purpose?"

"You said that Song Yiran intentionally injured Gu Ping, and then found a chance to come back to the Gu family?" Qin Zexi paused for a moment before following along.

Su Zhaoxue nodded: "I'm just guessing, because the location of Gu Ping's car accident is so coincidental, it happened to be on the road in front of the Gu family's mansion."

"Well, I heard that the driver who caused the accident has been caught. I will ask Zhong Lian to ask and I will know what happened at that time."

When they arrived at the hospital, Gu Ping entered the operating room again. Song Yiran stood outside the operation with a bruised nose and a swollen face, while the two nurses were nowhere to be seen!
When Song Yiran saw Qin Zexi, his mouth moved as if he wanted to say something, but when he saw his indifferent face and glanced behind him, he didn't see Mr. Gu, so he lowered his head in disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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